Quick Escape Part 2

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"Wow! Did you see that! I wasn't half bad, right?" Kirishima exclaimed with a smile on his face.

"Tch, you didn't do awful, but you could stand to be much less annoying and impulsive," Bakugo replied with a sneer.

"Whatever you say, man. Haha!"

Kirishima and Bakugo were walking side by side for a few moments before Kirishima decided to break the silence.

"Sooo... where are you from?" he asked.

"Nuh-uh, I don't do that backstory shit. You can stick to that," Bakugo spat.

"Oh okay, well what do you wanna know?"

"I didn't mean literally, dumbass. But fine, I know I can't ask about the ugly ass hair or the dad so... what's your deal with the fucking lanterns? You could've just gone to see them before."

"Oh, heh, well..." Kirishima started.

Kirishima was interrupted by the sound of several feet hitting the ground and they both widened their eyes.

"Run," Bakugo ordered.

The two began sprinting forward, Kirishima having to hold a bundle of his hair with him. When they reached the end of the tunnel, they were met with a large expanse of dry land and a large gap. The two went to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

"There's no fucking way we can get down there," Bakugo muttered to himself.

Soon after he said that several of the guards came storming up behind them and raised their weapons. Bakugo knew he could never win in a fight alone like this so both he and Kirishima backed up slowly with their hands in the air. They thought they were doomed before they heard a shout from inside the cave.


All of a sudden, the guards were attacked by two people who came from the tunnel behind them, Sero and Denki.


"We missed you too, bro! What's with the redhead?" Denki shouted out.

"A temporary situation! I'll fill you both in later! Just don't get fucking caught again!"

"Got it!" Denki and Sero shouted.

Meanwhile, Kirishima was looking for a way out of there. He looked all over then saw a tilted tree just a few feet away from him. He took ahold of some of his hair and threw it over to the tree so it could latch on.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Bakugo shouted at him.

"You'll see!" Kirishima shouted back.

Then, he took a deep breath in and leaped. When he opened his eyes, he saw the ground passing below him and sighed in relief. His escape trick worked. 

He looked back over to Bakugo and the others and saw that he seemed to be struggling and was being cornered to the edge of the cliff. Kirishima quickly untied his hair from the branch and swung it around, aiming with precision towards Bakugo's hand.

"Grab on!" Kirishima shouted at him.

It got Bakugo's attention and he immediately held onto the ends of Kirishima's hair, allowing himself to be swung across the gap. Kirishima could hear Bakugo laughing at the guards he had left behind.


Before Bakugo could finish his sentence, he smashed onto the other side of the cliff. Kirishima grimaced and looked at him hesitantly.

"Holy shit...!" Bakugo grunted out.

Kirishima let out a sigh of relief before he heard a loud noise coming from behind. He looked back and saw Todoroki repeatedly kicking at a nearby branch in order for him to cross to him. The tree landed just inches away from Kirishima and he let out a gasp as Todoroki began marching over to him.

"Hey, Shitty-Hair! Jump!" Bakugo shouted, holding up the other end of Kirishima's hair.

Kirishima smiled at him and ran forward, jumping at the last moment. He swung down onto the floor and ran as fast as he could with Bakugo following behind him.

"Hey idiots, get over here!" Bakugo shouted out to Sero and Kaminari.

The two nodded and began climbing down the cliff. They were about halfway down when everyone heard a creak. It had come from the dam just a few meters away, and soon all of the water it was containing rushed out towards them. The guards, Sero, and Denki were soon swept away.

"Fuck! Run faster!" Bakugo shouted.

Debris began falling all around them as the two heading toward a small opening right across from them. Right when the two got through, a huge rock came tumbling down behind them and sealed the room shut. Unfortunately, the water still poured its way inside slowly.

Bakugo repeatedly went underwater in search of a way out, but the water was pitch-black and he couldn't see a thing.

"It's no fucking use! I can't see shit!" Bakugo cried out.

He smashed his fist on the wall in anger, causing some of his knuckles to begin bleeding. Kirishima looked at him desperately and took a deep breath before going underwater. All he could see was darkness before he felt arms wrap around his waist and pull him up.

"I told you it's no use! You won't be able to find anything!" Bakugo told him.

Kirishima went to the wall of the cave and leaned against it with disbelief.

"This is all my fault," Kirishima muttered with slight tears in his eyes. "If I had stayed in the tower, we wouldn't be here. If I hadn't been so selfish none of this would have happened. I'm so sorry, Bakugo,"

Kirishima felt the tears he was holding back begin to fall down his face and he let out a few sniffles.

"I grew up with my mom and dad in the village," Bakugo cut in the silence.

Kirishima looked at him quizzically.

"You said you wanted to know more about me, so might as well now. I need money to pay for my dad's medicine. It's why I steal things. So yeah," Bakugo stated.

Kirishima smiled sadly at him and said, "I have magic hair that glows when I sing."

"What? Did you hit your fucking head?"

"I have magic hair... that glows!" Kirishima shouted, coming up with an idea.

By then, the freezing water was just around both of their shoulders so Kirishima had to act quickly.

"Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine-" 

Kirishima only got to the first two lines before the water completely submerged them underwater. Kirishima kept his eyes closed and focused as hard as he could on his hair for a few seconds before opening his eyes. There he saw his hair, glowing brilliantly in the water and shedding light inside the darkness. 

Despite Bakugo being completely amazed, he got straight to work to find an exit and saw a few small rocks that could be removed. The two rushed over and began digging up the rocks as fast as they could. Kirishima could feel the last of his breath draining from him and his movements became slightly sluggish, but he would not let that stop him. 

Together, both he and Bakugo managed to get to the end of the small opening and were pushed out from the remaining water from inside the cave and into a river. Kirishima was the first to appear out of the water and coughed violently. Soon after, Bakugo came up for air as well and the pair swam towards the edge of the river.

"We... we did it!" Kirishima shouted with triumph.

"His hair fucking glows," Bakugo muttered with shock.

Hey guys, I'm gonna be on spring break for a week so I'm not gonna post until then, but I hope you guys like this update at least :)

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