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After being busy all week with collage essays and work I finally got time to myself, well not entirely myself.

-Facetiming Tommy <3-

"Good morning" He says.

"Good afternoon" I respond.

"I hate time zones" he states annoyed. 

"Me too" I oblige. 

"What do you have plans for today" He asks. 

"Uhhh I might stream" I reply. 

"Nice, sounds like fun" He answers. 

"Yup not much other than that what about you?" I ask. 

"Uhhh I have a stupid birthday party for my cousin, I actually have to go I'm sorry" He responds.

"No problem have fun" I add.

"That'll be hard" He says before waving goodbye and hanging up.

Oh I almost forgot Techno has been calling me on discord but I've been to busy to get back to him. So I turn on my PC and ring him on discord. 

"Hello?" I ask. 

"Y/N I HAVE BEEN TRYING. TO. TALK. TO YOU. ALL. WEeEEeEeKK." He responds angrily with his voice cracking on week. 

"I know that is why I called you, what's up" I respond. 

"I needs help" He says. 

I respond, "Go figure, what do you need?"

"I need to duel you" he responds swiftly.

"ME?!" I answer. 

"YES, You.. You are the ONLY person besides Dream that's civilly killed me" He says

"I just outsmarted you, its not that hard." I respond

 "Time to obliviate an orphan" He adds

"1. I'm not an orphan. 2. I guess I'm in." I answer

"I know it's my pep talk" he replies.

I set up my OBS on record because I need this saved as leverage for future blackmailing. 

"Alrighty lets go" I tell him. 

"Yeah join me" He replies harshly.

"Ayy remember I'm doing this for you mk" 

"yeah yeah, just join" he says. 

"Fine" I say. He's really starting to annoy me.

I join his game and listen to his instructions of what we are doing. 

"Okay so your my test. I need to defeat Dream and your my best chance"

"Oh so your using me?"

"Yes and no..."

"Whatever, continue"

"Alright we both get basic diamond armor, sword, axe, shield, 6 arrows, bow and crossbow. Once I kill you a few times in this version we will swap to 1.8 with a fishing rod, bow, sword and 6 arrows." he explains. 

"Who says your gonna kill me"

"I do, I'm not loosing"

"We'll see"

We get our armor and weapons and get ready for battle. We count down from ten then charge at each other. I instantly get a crit on him and he draws his shield. I jump up and disable his shield. He smacks me and gets three hearts. He tries to run but I shoot him with my bow. I run after him and smack him one last time and he dies.

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