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A/n: hello im currently sitting in my first period class :) my school has phones banned so uh the things ill do for this story :)

"I WANT THE AUX CORD! IM NOT LISTENING TO SHIT MUSIC ANYMORE" Clay yells running towards the car
"NO I WANT SHOTGUN" Mark yells running after him

George was walking beside me. "Clay has the worst music taste" he says

"Ya says you Mr British rap" I shoot back

"Hey not fair"

"Totally fair" I say as we get to the car. Clay and Mark are just standing there awkwardly because the door is locked

"You know what Mark you want shotgun and Clay wants aux that means Mark you can drive and Clay you can play music"

They all boo at the idea and i toss my keys to Mark.

I hear my phone ding as i climb into the back seat

Tomathy <3

I want to come to the states

Uh okay buy the
ticket and I'll pick you
up at the airport lol



Lets goo

Where are we going?


Oh right lol

"Is he coming?" A voice says drawing me out of my phone.. george
"Are you eavesdropping, peanut gallery" I respond
"I asked a question first"
"Maybe" I say turning my attention back to my phone

@y/u/n | George rn 🙄✋🏻

@georgenotfound | I just watched you post this 🙄

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@georgenotfound | I just watched you post this 🙄

@tommyinnit reply @georgnotfound| he knows?

@y/u/n reply @tommyinnit| he does..

@user890 reply @y/u/n| know what?!

@ranbooblol reply @y/u/n| uhm what are they planning?

@ranboosaysstuff reply @ranbooblol| idek dhmu

A/n: Sorry this is short i wanted to post something

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