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sister/n: well bye... you all hate me so I have to leave. If the Moana reenactment is trash its because Bri wrote it. Anyway, Bye, love you all :)

~Y/n pov~

We all split up into two cars (a/n: In case you don't remember they're going to get pizza.) When we started driving Wilbur called and got us a reservation since there is so many of us. We got out of the car and piled into the pizzeria.

"Hello we called earlier for a reservation" Wilbur says to the waiter that greeted us.

"Ahh yes, right this way" He said walking and seating us at a large semi circle booth. I sat in between Tommy and Mark. On Mark's other side was the end of the booth and on Tommy's side was Toby. Then there's Wilbur. Then Alex, Karl and Nick then George and Clay at the end of the booth. We all decided to get two large pizzas, barbeque wings and buffalo wings.

Our drinks come out; Me, Clay, George, Karl and Toby got Water. Clay had to be special and get a lemon in his. Tommy got a Coke...duh. Mark and Nick got Root Beer. Alex got a Mountain Dew.

Tommy took a big sip of his Coke and set it back down on the table.

"They taste better in cans" Tommy says dropping his hand to his side for me to grab. I intertwined our fingers as they all started fighting.

"No, glass is so much better than cans" Nick shoots back at Tommy.

"Nu uh" Tommy hums.

"You are all wrong. They're better in bottles." Clay replies.

"fancy ass" I add, sending George, Mark, Clay, Nick, Karl, Alex and Wilbur into laughter.

"No I agree with Tommy" Tubbo says.

"freaking British people" George laughs, sending me into a laughing fit.

Clay starts wheezing "you ARE British" he says in between wheezes.

"Oh yeah" He says dumbfounded. Everyone starts laughing.

Once everyone calms down I grab my phone and take a picture of mine and Tommy's hands.

My Mr. Loverman <3 | @Tommyinnit

24.8k like 9.6k replies

@Tommyinnit | My pogger woman <3

@ Ranboolive Reply to @Tommyinnit | I'm gonna hold her hand too bc I feel too single.

@y/u/n reply to @Ranboolive | I now have no free hands :D Life's great

@dream2 reply to @ y/u/n | Then how did you tweet that?

@y/u/n reply to @ dream2 | Shut up your just jealous George isn't holding you hand

@dream2 reply to @y/u/n| how do you know

@quackity4k reply to @y/u/n| im holding both my fiancees hands

@y/u/n reply to @quackity4k | nobody asked

@KarlJacobs_ reply to @y/u/n | got him there

@tubbolive reply to @y/u/n | Oop

@y/u/n reply to @dream2 | I'm literally staring at you

@georgenootfound reply to @y/u/n | are you colorblind

"Two cheese pizzas and two large orders of barbeque and buffalo wings. I'll be back with extra plates can I get you anything else?" The waiter says drawing all our eyes off our phones.

"n- no that's all, thank you" Clay says trying to fill the awkward silence.

We all suddenly laugh at our awkwardness we don't get out much.

I had a slice or two of pizza and then some chicken wings I was full, shockingly. I snuggle my head onto Tommy's shoulder and he laid his head down on mine.

"Full?" He asks quietly

"Yeah. I'm tired too" I respond with a chuckle.

"Aw poor y/n" Clay teases. I look his direction and see him holding his phone up like he's recording.

"aRe yoU reCorDinG mE?" I ask sitting up straight.

"Not anymore" he says turning off his phone and setting it beside him. I lay back on Tommy.

"I'm tired too" Mark says laying his head on my shoulder like I did to Tommy.

"Ya me too" Toby says joining and laying his head on Tommy's shoulder as well.

"Aw don't forget me" Wilbur says laying his head on Toby's shoulder.

"Babies" Nick retorts. We all giggle. George lays his head on Clay. "Oh come on not you too" Nick says looking at George disappointed.

"oh but sappynappy im tired too" Karl said in a baby voice laying his head on Nick. Quackity followed.

"Yeah me too" Alex said mimicing the tone, laying his head on Karls shoulder. Nick rolled his eyes.

"I think its time we leave" Clay says. Everyone hums in agreement. The waiter comes over.

"Are we all set?" He asks.

"Yeah I believe so" Clay answers.

"Would you like desert?" The waiter asks.

"No were good, Thanks. Can we just have.." Clay says then looks around at the table, "two boxes and the check." he finishes.

"Yup" the waiter says turning on his heel and walking away.

Little while later, the check and boxes come. Clay decides he's paying and Nick starts packing the food. We leave and pile back into our cars. The Moana reenactment is tomorrow and we all want a good nights sleep.

~time skip to morning (like 8:00 am)~

I wake up to my alarm blaring. Weird I didn't think I set an alarm today-

I look over to see what it says its for. "Niki pickup at 9:00 am"

"SHIT" I yell and fly out of bed. I hop in the shower. Once I finish my quick, rushed shower I got ready. I threw on a red hoodie that was laying on top of my dresser and black leggings. I grab my phone and jog out of my room. Apparently me yelling woke everyone up. George is leaning on Clay on the couch and well lets just say, he's barely awake. Clay is talking to Tommy who is pacing back and forth. Wilbur is scrolling through his phone. Nick is in a chair half asleep. Karl's in the kitchen with Alex making something to eat. Mark and Toby is sitting on the floor talking. Schlatts nowhere to be seen.

"y/n! what happened?" Tommy asks.

"Nice hoodie" Clay says smirking. I look down and see that its Tommy's. I feel myself blush but don't have the energy to stop it.

"Sorry to wake you all, I forgot we had to get Niki today." I say rushing past him. "Love you bye" I kiss him on the cheek, grab the keys and head out the door.


Niki: just landed :)

y/n: almost there, running a little late sorry

Niki: its okay, I have to get my bags anyway. Text me when you get here

y/n: will do

I pull into the airport and find a spot.


y/n: here

Niki: I see you

I spot her in the crowd. Her pretty pink hair, grey hoodie and black leggings, walking toward me with her florescent pink suitcase.

We hug, talk and get in the car. Thirty minutes of conversation is abruptly ended when we pull into the parking lot of the house. Niki says her hellos and gives hugs. I show her to her room and she starts to unpack.

a/n: NEXT CHAPTER IS MOANA REENACTMENT AHHHHH also rip Remidee. Make sure to eat and drink something! You
are worth it and loved! Have a good day/night! 1190 w0rds

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