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~Clay POV~

"IS that enough pancakes yet" I ask.

"I don't know, there's a lot of us" George replies.

"but everyone's eaten now, make our plates and be done" I say kinda annoyed. I want his attention and all he cares about are these fucking pancakes. 

"why" he says looking at me.

"because, I want your attention, and right now its towards pancakes"

He turns the stove off and turns around. When he was turned around I was nearly pressed against him with very little room between us, now that he's turned around there's even less. The only thing separating us now is the height difference.  

"lets eat first then we can sneak away" he says.


We join everyone else at the table. Tubbo, Sapnap and Wilbur are singing and Tubbo is playing the ukulele. they all finished their plates. y/n and Tommy are missing from the table. I sit down next to George and start eating. Mark is sitting on the couch on his phone.

"Where's tommy?" Tubbo says, stopping his ukulele.

"and y/n," Mark adds. 

"Sus" Nick says grabbing another pancake.

I chuckle and take another bite of my pancake. 

~y/n POV~ 

"y/n? you okay" I get snapped out of my thoughts by Tommy.

"yeah, Yes, ill be your girlfriend" I tell him.

"really?" He asks


There's a loud sound of the door to our passage opening. A bright light comes shining in. 

"go go go" I whisper to tommy and point to the door that leads to his room. We crawl out and sit in his bed. Soon after someone comes out of the passage.

"what the fuck was that?" Mark asks.

"what do you mean?" I return.

"that passage thing, why does it go from your room to his"

"why not" Tommy says.

"anyway" Mark says rolling his eyes. "We were looking for you two, we were going to go to an amusement park. And y/n your coming don't even with me" 

"okay okay jeez" I say walking out of Tommy's room and into mine. I go in and start to get ready.

"what should I wear?" I say to myself. Then I see it. The blue Disney sweater, I grab the faded blue shorts and put them on. Perfect. 

I walk to the bathroom to put on some natural makeup and fix my hair.

Once I'm done I make my way downstairs where most of the boys are waiting for me.

"Finally only took eight years" Mark says.

"I was literally in the bathroom for-" I look at my phone "15 minutes"

"sureeee" Wilbur says opening the door.

"Where's Clay and George?" I ask.

"There not coming because they suck" Nick says teasingly.

We get in the car and start the drive.

Wilbur was driving and Nick was sitting in the passenger seat playing music. Mark and Tubbo were in the middle bucket seats and me and Tommy were in the back.

"Watcha looking at" I say leaning over to Tommy's shoulder. He tilts his phone.

"Twitter" He responds.

"ahhh" I shoot back.

He wraps his arm around me and we scroll through twitter together.

I glance out the window, the town is so pretty and quaint.

"It's gorgeous here" I say.

"Ya it is" He says looking at the window and down on me.

The car comes to a stop.

"We are here" Wilbur says unbuckling.

We all get out of the car the amusement park was on the end of the pier there were a bunch of little shops everywhere. 

We all make our way down the pier.

Mark is on my left and Tommy is on my right and Toby was all the way down with Mark.

Tommy hands me an ear bud and I put it in my ear and let my arm droop back to my side hitting Tommy's hand he interlocks our fingers as we walk.

~Clay's POV~

A/n: I'm letting my sister write this part bc she reads a lot of dnf sorry in advance.

I push George against the wall and kiss him until we can't breath. I separate our lips and kiss down his neck finding his weak spot and sucking on it. I pull my head up and look him in the eyes. We've been secretly dating for the past month or two, Nick was the only person who knew. 

He smiles and I lean back in connecting our lips. When me and George first snuck away and started making out we were interrupted by Nick barging in and telling us that we are going to an amusement park. I told him we didn't want to go and he said okay. When he saw us making out he looked a little surprised but not shocked.

I pick George up and carry him to the bed. I plop him down and get on top, not breaking our lips. now that we have the whole house to ourselves we could technically do whatever we want and be as loud as we want. I don't want to take it too fast though, this is the first time we've met up and actually touched, since we started dating its been entirely texting and nonstop calls. Its nice to have him in my arms. I part our lips keeping my position on top of him.  

"George?" I ask.


"Should we tell everyone else?"

"yeah eventually"

"were living with them for a month George, don't you think they should know. Plus I want to be able to express my love for you no matter who I'm around not just in private."

"Just kiss me we can talk about this later"


"Please?" I smirk at his begging and lean back in.

~y/n POV~

a/n: Hello everyone I'm back now did yous enjoy that? bc I didn't :)

"We should go on the Ferris wheel" I say gleaming with excitement.

"Seriously?" Tommy says totally judging me.

"If you won't go with me Mark will" I say looking at Mark.

"I did not agree to th-" He says before getting cut off by Tommy.

"No no I'll go it's just whyyy, the Ferris wheel its so-lame"

"Is not, It's pretty up there" I say pulling him to the line

We get into the cart thingy and start going up.

I lean against Tommy his warmth spread across my body, the wind was chilling.

"It's so pretty" I say looking up at him to see he's been staring at me.

I look back to the sky.

"It is" He says. I can just feel his stare.

I sit up and rub my hands through his hair he brings his hand to my cheek

And on the very top of the Ferris wheel 

We kissed 

A/n 1,045 words! :)

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