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~y/n POV~

I wake up to Tommy moving. I lift my head and sit up allowing Tommy to move.

"Hey were here" Tommy whispers to me. I nod still half asleep and climb out of the back of the car, Tommy close behind. I get out of the car and stretch my arms in the air. 

"Good morning sleepyhead" Mark says walking past me to the trunk.

"Morning" I answer tiredly. I go to the trunk and Tommy is grabbing my bags out of the trunk. 

"here" he hands me the smaller bag. "Ill carry the bigger one"

"Thanks" I say taking the bag 

We walked inside and I followed Tommy to my room the house was absolutely gorgeous. My room had a big window that showed the outside pool area. I set all of my luggage on my bed. 

Wilbur opens the door peeking his head in 

"We're going to get groceries" Wilbur says

" Hellooo" George says putting his head between Wilbur and the door frame

"Hey George" I say

"Ooo can you grab poptarts" I say as they shut the door

"SURE" they yell back in unison 

Tommy looks at me 

Tommy: "Really poptarts?"

y/n": "Yes, do you have something against poptarts?"

Tommy: "No, no just they wouldn't be my first option"

y/n: "Then you're doing it all wrong"

He laughs I start unpacking my bags 

I hand him the bag of all my toiletries and asked him to put them in the bathroom.

He gets up and walks to the other side of the room, I got my own bathroom.

After I get all my clothes unpacked and in the dresser drawers Tommy insisted on showing me the secret passage way.

We were the last rooms in the hallway, his room was across from mine and a cleaning closet ended the hallway.

The "secret passage" door was near my bed and was like a little hobbit hole.

The "secret passage" door was near my bed and was like a little hobbit hole

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A/n: How I imagine the room

The door lead behind the closet and to Tommy's room

Me and Tommy were chilling in the passage talking

-Incoming facetime Marky-

"Hello?" He asks

"Hi" I say

"Where are you and why is it so dark?" He questions 

"Uhhh me and Tommy ar-" I say before getting cut off

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