23.) Part Two

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~Tommy pov~

I pace back and forth in the living room. Y/n lays on the couch unconscious or sleeping, hard to tell. She hit her head HARD. Clays sitting on the floor next to the couch holding ice on her head. Mark is freaking out, he just left the room and went outside. Tubbo's anxiously scrolling through Tik Tok. Wilbur and Sapnap are trying google to see if it knows what to do. George is scrolling through Twitter. Schlatt's drinking and eating cereal in his bedroom and Niki is in the kitchen making sandwiches with the help of Karl and Quackity. We put the movie reenactment on pause. Obviously.

"Tommy please, your going to drill a hole in the floor. Sit down. And stop biting your finger nails your not going to have anything left" Wilbur says concerned. I nod and sit in a chair. Except I can't sit still. I'm constantly moving, shaking my leg, fidgeting with my fingers.

Wilbur gets up and walks over to me pulling out a chair. "She's going to be okay, she's not dead" Wilbur says placing his hand onto mine to stop the fidgeting. I can't even say anything. My throat feels like it's going to collapse in on itself. I nod in response.

Y/n stirs on the couch. I fly out of my seat, standing up straight. Clay jumps, startled. Toby's eyes fill with relief as he looks up from his phone.

Y/n moves some more before finally opening her eyes. She sits up slightly using her elbows as support.

"Are you okay?" Sapnap asks putting down his phone.

"What the hell happened" she asks confused.

"You hit your head and lost consciousness" Clay fills her in then touches the bag of ice to her head.

"That would explain the headache" she says tiredly laying back down.

"Lunch is done" Niki says coming out of the kitchen. "Oh y/n your awake! How are you feeling?"

"Besides for the headache, fine I guess" y/n responds.

"Are you hungry?" Karl questions as he enters the living room.

"No not really" she responds annoyance growing in her voice. Everyone talking definitely isn't helping her headache.

"You should go get some sleep we can continue later or tomorrow" Wilbur says, "Tommy help her to her room please"

I nod and go over to y/n I grab her hand and pull her up. Clay gives me the ice and we go up to her room. As we are heading to her room I distantly hear Wilbur talking to Tubbo, well more like commanding but still. From what I can make out It sounds like he told him to go get Mark. We reach her room and she plops on the bed and I rest the ice on her head.

"Hey you okay?" Y/n asks, "your awfully quiet"

"I was just worried about you" I say, my voice breaking on you. Yeah this is why I didn't want to talk.

"Awe Tommy's worried" she says in a baby voice. I roll my eyes and head for the door.

"Tommy wait" she says desperately. I turn around and face her. "Will you stay with me?" She asks.

"Sure" I go and lay down on my back beside her. She rolls over to her side facing me and puts her arm on my stomach and her head on my chest. I can feel the ice that still rest upon her head. She quickly falls asleep and I find myself to do so soon after.

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