Snatching an Excalibur

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Active D.D.'s Marvel, One Piece, Tower of 100 Stages)

I was on a patrol for Rias when I hear a scream I rush to where it came from. Once there I am before an allyway I bump into a priest who looked like he was stabed very badly.

Priest: "You have to help me!"

he staggers against me and I look behind him.

???: "Did the little Devils come to play?"

a crazy looking guy asks.

Issei: "Selzen!"

Issei and Koneko appear behind me while Kiba dashes befor me his sword pointing at the guy Issei called Selzen. The priest bleeds out and I let him fall to have my hands free and summon Draculea. Kiba and Selzen start clashing with there Swords while I suddenly rush forward catching an attack aimed at Kibas chest with my ripcage.

//-180 HP//

Issei: "Zura!"

Kiba and Koneko look shocked at me while I just grab Selzens wrist and disarm him.

//-10 HP//

Zura: "Get lost before I kill you."

Selzen: "How are you alive you are a devil!"

//-10 HP//

Zura: "Well this Excalibur is mine now so get lost."

After some more rambling he runs off. Koneko rushs to my side.

Koneko: "You stupid idiot how are you alive that should kill you no devil should survive that."

//-10 HP//

Zura: "Well if we dont take it out I wont live any longer."

They look at the sword.

Kiba: "Uhm not to sound rude but none of us can take that sword."

I sigh and pull the sword out flinching from the pain and then put it away in my infinite space. I'll keep it till the two girls from the church come to get the swords and hope they'll take us up on that help offer it could prevent a few things. Koneko puts pressure on the wound while Kiba contacts Rias. Shortly after Rias appears with Asia and Akeno.

Rias: "You stubborn idiot what were you thinking first you let yourself be stabed by an Excalibur and then you take it?"

While Asia heals me Rias keeps scolding me.

//+20 HP//

Zura: "Simple I figured he is not supposed to have it and that soon someone frome the church will come and then I'll give it back."

Rias sighs.

//+20 HP//

Rias: "Fine just don't do that again."

she takes face in her hands.

//+20 HP//

Rias: "You are like family now."

I nod and look at my wound it was only a bruise by now.

Zura: "Thanks Asia I'm fine now."

I sit up and take Draculea.

Kiba: "That is an interesting blade"

Zura: "Thanks her name is Draculea she is a vampiristic blade I found she was quite fitting for me."

He nods.

Kiba: "Want me to teach you some moves?"

I grin.

Zura: "If you can handle heavy weapons pretty boy."

The two of us head towards the woods.

Rias: "Don't push yourself to far."

Once we feel save enough he turns towards me.

Kiba: "Can I have a look at that Excalibur?"

he asks surpressing his anger.

Zura: "Kiba I know your hate against these Swords but I can't give it to you but I promise I'll help you get revenge on Valper Galileii but you have to keep a clear head. The sword is just a tool it has nothing to do with your dead friends."

he looks shocked at me.

Kiba: "How did you?"

Zura: "Clairvoyance."

he nods understanding

Kiba: "But still without the swords my friends wouldn't have..."

I cut his sentence

Zura: "Destroying the swords won't bring them back. The wouldn't want you to avenge them by sacrificing your personality and your life they would want you to life your life as they couldn't."

He stays silence for a moment

Kiba: "Then let us spare but I want you to use the Excalibur."

I nod

Zura: "If you keep a cool head that's no problem with me."

I summon the Excalibur. I take a few swings to get adjusted and then look to him.

Zura: "So you want me to use it's enchantments or what?"

He looks at me thinks a moment and then nods.

//-5 HP//

Zura: "Then on 3. 1... 2... 3!"

We rush at each other and our swords clash with each other. I try to kick him away which he blocks using another sword.

//-5 HP//

If we play it like that.. I summon Draculea in my empty raised hand and let gravity accelerate my swing from above. Kiba jumps away to not get hit and as Draculea hits the ground I stand in a crater.

Kiba: "Interesting tactic if that would have hit me I probably would die."

Zura: "I knew it was to slow to hit you that's why I did it in the first place."

//-5 HP//

We again rush at each other and I use my rook strength to block both his swings with Draculea breaking the Swords while pointing Excalibur Rapidly at his throat.

Zura: "You giving in? This sword kinda hurts."

//-5 HP//

He nods and I dismiss both of my swords.

Kiba: "So how are you able to hold that Excalibur?"

Zura: "Well I have a high resistance against almost everything. Ice, Fire, Poison, Time, Mindcontrol, Holy elements and most other things. I however take damage over time from the Excalibur I could feel it burning my hand during our fight."

He takes my words for the truth and shakes my hand after I dismissed my Swords.

Kiba: "You're good in my book Zura. So you promise to help me should we get infos on Valper Galileii?"

I nod and we head back.

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