Welcome Outsiders

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The three of us enter an office. At a window stands a man with grey hair and a cane at his side with the back towards us.

???: "Ozpin I've brought the intruders like requested."

Ravel and I look at the man called Ozpin. He turns around, in his free hand a mug with a steaming drink in it. He smiles at us and motions for a desk. The blonde walks behind the desk and stands to the side while Ozpin sits in a chair. Ravel and I walk infront of the desk.

Ozpin: "Hello. I would like to know your names."

He says friendly. Ravel gives me a look of skepticism. He is way to friendly to suspected intruders.

Zura: "My name is Zura Ice and this is my betrothed Ravel Phenex."

Ravel does a short curtsey at her name.

Ozpin: "Well the Mr. Ice my name is Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon and this is Glynda Goodwitch one of our teachers. Would you be so friendly as to tell us what you're doing here?"

Ravel: "We are on a vacation to get to know each other better, this betrothtal is sort of forced and we haven't heard of Beacon before."

Glynda looks skeptical at that answer but Ozpin just smiles.

Ozpin: "I wouldn't have belived otherwise."

He pulls out some sort of futuristic tablett and shows it to us. It shows a drone feed wich shows us appearing out of nowhere.

Ozpin: "While there are many different semblances out there I don't notice any Aura on the both of you so you did that with a different method. This..."

he motions for the camerafeed again wich now shows me droping the shopkeeper his money befor storing all the dust.

Ozpin: "Cements that suspicion that it's not a Semblance."

Ravel and I look at each other both thinking so much for not gaining unwanted attention.

Zura: "You are right it's not a semblance. I don't even know what a semblance is."

Ravel shows her wings.

Ravel: "We aren't really from this world. We are both devils."

I show them my wings aswell. Glynda looks completely shocked while Ozpin strokes his chin in thoughts.

Ozpin: "Very interesting Mr. Ice Ms. Phenex. Would the two of you be interested in participating in the Vytal Festival Tournament hold a few days from now?"

Ravel and I share a confused look.

Zura: "Explain please."

Ozpin tells us about the Tournament and it's goal. He also explains about semblances and aura. He than made Glynda demonstrate her semblance for us, telekinesis. Ravel and I explain some things about our world and devils wich Ozpin shows interest in.

Zura: "From how I see it we can't participate. We neither are of any of the participating schools and we don't have an aura either. Wouldn't we be defeated by proxy without one?"

Ozpin: "About that I am sure it can be arranged that the two of you can participate. About your Aura I could try to unlock it if possible."

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