The upcoming dance

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The next morning I went back up to Ozpins office while Ravel said she would go back in the library. When the elevator doors opend Ozpin stood facing the window again his cup in hand.

Zura: "Professor."

His eyes meet mine in the reflection of the window.

Ozpin: "Ah Mr. Ice take a seat."

He gestures towards a chair before his desk and I sit down while he takes a seat opposite me in his chair.

Ozpin: "Is there something you want to tell me?"

He asks with a slightly tilted head.

Zura: "First I'd have some questions."

He nods for me to go ahead.

Zura: "What is a Grimm?"

Ozpin: "Grimm are soulless creatures that are drawn towards negative emotions there are many different forms from Beowulfs over Boarbatusks to Ursai and Nevermores to name a few."

I nod taking in the information.

Zura: "Then does something like a Grimm Maiden exist?"

Ozpins eyes widen shocked for a moment.

Ozpin: "A Grimm ... Maiden? No not that I would know where did you stumble over that word?"

Zura: "Yesterday evening while in the corridors I met a few students from Haven. One of them gave me the chills so I used one of my skills //Observe// to gain information on them however all I got was a name a nickname an unknown amount of HP aswell as two obscured options."

Ozpin: "And who was this student Mr. Ice?"

Zura: "Cinder Fall."

Ozpin strokes his chin in thinking while his grip on his mug becomes firmer.

Ozpin: "That confirms my fears... Mr. Ice you said there is a time difference between Remnant and your World?"

I nod my head.

Ozpin: "How much?"

Zura: "About 1/8 meaning 8 days here are 1 day back home."

Ozpin: "Then it is decided... Mr. Ice should during the Tournament happen something to me then I want you to take Team RWBY back with you and train them."

Zura: "Train them? What for?"

Ozpin: "To save Remnant. I believe that with your help those four can save us all one day. Until then we will do our best to stay alive."

I stay silent for a few moments contemplating Ozpins request.

Zura: "I'll think about it."

Ozpin: "That is fine I can't ask for more Mr. Ice."

Zura: "Was that all you wanted Professor?"

Ozpin: "That would be all. Oh and Mr. Ice there will be a dance this evening I hope you and Ms. Phenex will enjoy yourselves."

Zura: "Good day Professor."

I enter the Elevator and head down. Once I exit I head towards the cafeteria to get something to eat. I sit down at an empty table with a plate of plain toast and some peach slices. While eating some students approached me.

???: "Is this seat free?"

A boy with black hair with a pink streak in it asks and I nod so the group of four sit down.

???2: "You don't seem to be a student of any of the schools what are you doing here? Not to be aggressive I am simply curious. My name is Phyrra by the way Phyrra Nikos and this is my Team Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren and our Leader Jaune Arc."

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