Round two!

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The date went wonderful as far as I could tell. Ravel enjoyed the food and after we both ate we slowly danced to a song from Weiss' scroll. The next day all the remaining Teams prepared themselves for their fights today. Ravel and I decided to tag along Team RWBY and see how they'd train. They had agreed after I told them that we didn't plan to participate anymore and would surrender our fight today. After they had asked alot of questions why and only beeing told that it was for damage control they agreed to let us watch. On our way to their Gym I contacted Ozpin about my plans over my scroll. He aproved of my methods and asked me to report any illusion findings back to him as soon as posible. While watching Team RWBY perform their fighting choreography I picked up a few moves to try out later myself. When it was time for the first fight of the second round to begin we head to the arena, the girls had agreed to tag out Ruby for this round. While her speed and Sniper-Sythe combo might be powerful the others semblance were just more explosive power wise, not to forget the difference in experience through their age gap. Ravel had taken to feed the slightly dejected Ruby some Cookies wich cheered her right back up. The first fight was between Team JNPR and a Team from Haven the end result was a win for Jaune and Phyrra after Nora had been knocked out of the ring. Next up was the rest of Team RWBY while cheering for the girls I got a call on my scroll.

Zura: "Excuse me for a moment."

I leave the stands and find an empty corridor where I take the call wich was from Goodwitch.

Zura: "Yes?"

Ms. Goodwitch: "Mr. Ice there is a change in plans the Headmaster desires for you and Ms. Phenex to continue the tournament you are up against Team CEMN from Haven."

Zura: "So he wants first hand experience? Fine tell him we are going in."

Ms. Goodwitch: "You two are up next Mr. Ice."

Zura: "Thanks Ms. Goodwitch I'll inform Ravel."

I hang up the call and head back to Ruby and Ravel where I tap her on her shoulder.

Zura: "Change of plans we're up next."

Ravel looks up at me and sees the seriousness in my eyes and realises who we are mostlikely up against.

Zura: "Similar to the last time I take the majority while you give air support."

Ravel: "No I can't discern reality from illusions. I'll take the frontlines this time and you save me from any illusory attacks."

I nod and we continue down the corridor we had entered after leaving the stands. We pass a happy Team WBY who look confused by our serious faces.

Yang: "What's up with you two?"

Announcer: "Next up Cinder Fall, Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai of Team CEMN from Haven against our freelancer duo of honorary Beacon attendees Zura Ice and Ravel Phenex."

Blake: "So you are participating afterall."

Ravel: "A change of plans Headmaster wants us to."

Weiss: "But why would he?"

Zura: "Not for us to question. I got a call from Goodwitch during your fight telling us to participate. See you girls afterwards."

Ravel and I head down quickly Ravel summoning her new Spear and me equipping my Excalibur Tainted again.

Zura: "Have you named the Spear yet?"

Ravel nods.

Ravel: "Hestia."

I raise an eyebrow.

Zura: "After the greek goddess of the Hearth?"

She nods and I smile.

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