The Dance and the Tournament begins

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I was walking up to the entrance of Beacon my everyday clothes put securely into my Inventory as I were already wearing my new clothes. A white button up shirt with black pants and a light orange vest the shade of Ravels firey wings. I toped the outfit of with big yellow tinted glasses. I also left my mask in the Inventory as I thought it wouldn't fit for a dance. I approach the corridor to our shared dorm and knock on the door.

Zura: "Ravel?"

I hear slight shuffeling from behind the door before it opens and my mouth falls open.

Ravel was wearing a short white sleeveless dress, white thighhigh socks, white heels and long white gloves

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Ravel was wearing a short white sleeveless dress, white thighhigh socks, white heels and long white gloves.

Zura: "You look amazing."

I say after clearing my mind again. Ravel blushes slightly.

Ravel: "Thank you. You are not looking bad yourself."

She looks me up and down a beautiful smile graces her lips as she sees the vest.

Ravel: "But what is with the glasses?"

She carefully takes them of my nose.

Zura: "Don't they fit me? I was thinking of keeping them even after tonight."

Ravel: "No they definitely fit the outfit but I prefer the red of your eyes over these."

She places them back on my nose.

Ravel: "Now what is this vest about? Not that I dislike it but your last suit was more dark."

Zura: "Well I thought that today was something with a happier note than your brothers wedding. I also wanted to show of that you are mine."

I tuck a lone strand of hair behind her ear.

Zura: "Now should we head out Milady?"

I offer her my arm and she takes it we close the door to our dorm and then head towards the ballroom. Before the door we are met by Yang in a white dress.

Yang: "Wow! The two of you look amazing together."

Ravel: "Thank you. You look wonderful yourself."

Ravel replies.

Zura: "Are you waiting for someone?"

Yang shakes her head.

Yang: "I was one of the people organazing the dance since the original people are still out on a mission."

Ravel: "So you are greeting the people that come to the dance. Well I hope you at least can enjoy yourself at the dance later."

Yang: "Thank you! Have fun yourself. But not too much~"

She says teasingly. I slightly shake my head.

Zura: "Don't worry about it we aren't that far into our relationship."

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