Festival Preparations

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Ravel and I make our way back up to Ozpins office we both were sure about our choice. We want to learn more about the powers of this world and we want to have fun with it. Exiting the elevator we are met with Ozpin who looks at us with a knowing look.

Zura: "We've decided to join. However our Aura was already unlocked by some of your students."

Ozpin: "I see. So would you be so kind as to demonstrate your powers?"

I look at Ravel and nod. He's going to see it anyways so we agree and Ozpin leads us out to an arena sort of building.

Ozpin: "I would like you to spar with each other under our fighting rules of course so when your Aura hits red or your knocked out of bounds your out."

Ravel looks at me knowing well what I am able to do if I have free range over my abilities.

Ravel: "One weapon and one type of power. Think good about what you choose."

I nod and look back up at the big screen where our Aura level is now displayed next to a picture of each of us. I decide that Draculea while my favourite wouldn't help me much her as I can't draw blood.

Zura: "Can I have a moment?"

I look at both Ozpin and Ravel who both nod so I disappear into my shop space and take a look at the weapons. I saw an very interesting item in another section however. Corruption an ultimate rare Item for the corruption of Holy energy. I take out Excalibur Rapid and buy Corruption using the Item on the holy sword tainting it in a dark aura. I check the sword again. Excalibur Tainted  the stats told me that it was viewed as a unique weapon therefor not having a Itemclass. It's speed enhancement from its Rapid form stays but I now don't take passive damage. It did look slightly more edgy now

I decided that would be enough and that I would use a skill I haven't used since I found it in the Tower

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I decided that would be enough and that I would use a skill I haven't used since I found it in the Tower. Thunder God Body wich lets me channel Lightning through my Body and use it in my attacks. I head back to the arena where Ozpin and Ravel are still waiting and stab my new sword into the ground with ease.

Zura: "I'm ready."

Lighting charging around my arms.

Ravel: "How many more elements will you use."

she says with a sigh wich earns a chuckle from me.

Ozpin: "Now then... begin."

I grab Excalibur Tainted and rush at Ravel who summons her flame wings and takes to the skies just quick enough to avoid my first strike. I charge Lightning into the blade and throw it at her keeping my hand outstretched towards her she dodges and throws a big fireball at me. I let out a thunderous roar and a big bolt of Lightning strikes between me and Excalibur Tainted hiting Ravel in the process. Ravel's fireball took about 1/7 of my aura while my Lightingbolt took almost half of hers and she gets knocked into red by Excalibur Tainted falling back down. I fly up an catch both Excalibur Tainted and Ravel who is left a bit dizzy by the Lightning that hit her.

Zura: "Sorry I didn't know it would be so strong."

Ravel: "It's alright just give me a moment."

We land back down where Ozpin awaits us.

Ozpin: "That was interesting, short but interesting."

I get a belt for Excalibur Tainted and hang it on my waist I use one of the options Athena had created to put it away but have it still equipped keeping the speed boost mimicking a speed semblance.

Zura: "I think I go as Brawler with a Wing Semblance."

I bump my fists together.

Ozpin: "Very well I will enter the both of you into the festival."

He gives both of us theses futuristic phone things.

Ozpin: "With these Scrolls you'll be able to find and enter your guestroom aswell as contact me or anyone else whose number you put in."

We take one each and nod in thanks.

Ravel: "We will be off then Proffesor we agreed to hang out with Team RWBY in the library."

Ozpin: "Then I wish the both of you a nice remaining day and Mr Ice..."

I turn back around after having started to walk away.

Ozpin: "If I could speak with you in my office tomorrow morning... alone."

I nod and follow Ravel.

Ravel: "What do you suspect he wants to talk with you about?"

Zura: "No clue."

After a short and silence walk we reach the library where a few students sit at the tables reading, sleeping or in Team RWBY's case playing a boardgame. We approach the group and Ruby who a moment earlier was moping around notices us.

Ruby: "Zura, Ravel you came."

I smile slightly and shrug my shoulder.

Zura: "What else would we have done? So what are you ladies playing?"

Ravel goes over to a bookshelf and picks a few books to read while I sub in for Blake who seems disinterested and begin to sweep the floor with the reminder of her Team while she excuses herself to go to sleep. Later we escort the remaining members of Team RWBY to their room.

Yang: "We shouldn't have let you play."

Zura: "You only say that because I wouldn't let you cheat by looking at my cards."

I say with a chuckle. When we arive at their room Ruby realises that she forgot her game at the library.

Zura: "I'll go with you. Ravel you don't have to wait I'll meet you at our room."

I say holding up the scroll. Ravel nods and follws the directions on her scroll while I turn around with Ruby. As we round the corner Ruby bumps into someone and almost falls before I catch her.

Ruby: "I'm sorry."

She looks up at the person who she bumped into. A girl with green hair and a dark skintone next to her was a boy with grey hair and a pale complexion.

???: "It's alright just watch were you go next time."

I watch carefully as a cold felling travels down my back when another girl walks out the back. With black hair and yellow eyes. I must have overheard Ruby talk to them as the first thing I hear is the dark haired girls reply.

???: "We're visiting from Haven actually."

I instinctively use Observe on her but some of the data confuses me.

//Name: Cinder Fall
Nickname: Grimm Maiden
Lvl: 59
HP: ???
???: ???
???: ???//

I never had missing information or rather it was never displayed if I couldn't view it so I was quite shocked to see not only two missing informations but also an unidentifiable amount of HP.

Ruby: "Come on Zura quit staring holes in the air."

She tugs on my arm and I realise that we were alone again.

Zura: "Yeah right sorry let's get your game I think I'm tired."

With that we go and pick up Ruby's game before I guide her back and head to mine and Ravels shared room. Thinking to myself that I have to tell Proffesor Ozpin of my finding in the morning.

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