Preparation of Travels

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I was finishing my training with Athena and the Suit. She had completely incorporated herself into my Gamersystem so I put a few Skills in a category she could access without needing permission. One of those was //Observe// wich Athena loved to spam to learn more about her Masters world or so she said. Thankfully I didn't get a information everytime Athena uses it. Merging Athena to my System also had the advantage that the suit or rather its gloveform disappeared into my body and I just need to tell Athena to put the Suit on and she would activate the suit up skill.

Athena: "Master you are amazing and this system is so powerful to think that I am part of it."

I can fell her personality shiver in the back of my mind.

Zura: "Thank you Athena. Have you checked the market for Items in the category I told you?"

Athena: "The shop currently doesn't have any invisibility Items in stock."

Zura: "Thanks Athena. Lets go cook breakfast and wake Sahra up."

I head into the kitchen while Athena plays the news in my head. Nothing interesting happened in the human realm with the exception of the dead priest that was found today. Good thing they don't have my DNA in their databank. I make pancakes for Sahra and me while brewing some Tea.

???: "Yawn"

Zura: "Morning."

I turn around expecting to see Sahra but am shocked when I see who sits at my table rubbing her eyes drowsily

Zura: "Ms Phenex what are you doing here?"

At the table sits my fiance with her usual pink dress.

Ravel: "Mother told me to meet you and have breakfast together to get to know you better."

Zura: "I see what a cunning woman your mother is. Not telling me to throw me into the cold water unprepared. Would you like some Pancakes to or should I make you something else."

Ravel: "Pancakes are fine, I wouldn't expect you to know any proper receipts anyways."

Zura: "You underestimate me my dear but Pancakes it shall be."

I begin to make another batch of Pancakes just as Sahra walks into the kitchen confused to see Ravel.

Sahra: "Brother who is that?"

Zura: "Ah Sahra good morning. This is Ravel Phenex my fiance. I told you about her didn't I? Ravel this is my younger Sister Sahra I told you about at our last meeting."

Sahra bows down to greet Ravel while Ravel just nods in response. I then place a plate infront of both of them as Sahra sitts down.

Sahra: "You didn't told me we would be having someone over today I havent cleaned any rooms."

Zura: "Because I didn't knew either."

Ravel: "I am sorry for the inconvenience my mother caused you."

Zura: "There are no inconvenience Ravel we were just suprised. I am glad that you are here as I want to get to know you better."

Athena: "Master, the indevidual Ravel Phenex has lied about the fact that her mother has set up this meeting. I have deduced that by the slightest hint of pink on her ceecks when saying she was sorry for the inconvenience."

Despite her better knowledge Athena calls out loud instead of in my head so Ravel blushes a bright red.

Ravel. :Wha..wha..what? Who are you how dare you imply I am lying."

Zura. "Calm down Ravel that voice was my... familiar."

I explain to her what Athena is, in a more Magic sense.

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