We walk another World

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As I open my eyes again I am in another place. It looks like a very big and very active City. I mean its currently night here but it still seems like the entire City is awake like it never sleeps. Wait is this New York? Am I back in my old World? Suddenly something flew by me. Was that a red Car? I look after the thing and now see that its some kind of Armor shooting Lasers from its Hands. Definitely not my old World. I look at what the Armor is shooting and look at that some green Gremlin on a Hoverboard. Yup definitely not my old World. I keep watching the fight until someting latches onto me I look at it and its some... is that tar? In a matter of seconds said tar swallowed my whole body. Thats not tar!

???: //Of course I'm not tar. I'm a Symbiot.!//

Was that in my head? And why can I still see and breath. All of a sudden my body starts moving. I am heading towards the fight.

???: //You're not doing anything I am doing the moving just wait till I'm done with Tincan over there than I will explain.//

We(?) stop moving. and the tarlike substance looses grip on half my face.

Zura: " You won't use me as a tool!"

// New Skill unlocked
Resistance: The User is resistant to a certant degree to most things.//

Neat. I concentrate and force the Symbiot to retreat but he doesn't leaves my Body. Still now I'm back in control I guess.

Symbiot: //Damit how did you do this?//

Zura: "Well I am kind of resistant against everything."

Symbiot: //Cheater!//

Zura: "Kind of and now shut up!"

I continue watching the Armor fight the Gremlin while blocking out the voice in my head. I then remember one of my skills Observe wich clearly would be helpful here.

Zura: "'Observe'"

a new windo plops into existence

// Name: Anthony 'Tony' Stark
Nickname: Iron-Man, Tincan
LvL: 21
HP: 200/325//

guess I have to lvl up Observe befor getting more info. I also use it on the Gremlin.

// Name: Norman Osborn
Nickname: Green Goblin, Gremlin
LvL: 19
HP: 154/230//

seemed like Osborn were going to loose. I could help him but something tells me he's the badguy here so I instead decide to help Mr Stark

Zura: "Oi Symbiot go help Mr Stark if you try anything funny I take back control."

with that we go on fighting Mr Osborn the Green Goblin. I had to retake control two to three times but nothing bad happened. After The Goblin were taken custody I retook control and were then faced with a seemingly angry and confused Iron-Man.

Tony: "Why are you helping Venom. And if he isn't in control how are you controling that thing Kid?"

Zura: "First of all it's nice meeting you Mr Stark. Now Venom how you called him, thanks for telling me, is not in control. For how I am controling him I am resistant to him and can therefor toggle on and off if he's in control or not."

That seemed to be amusing Mr Stark.

Tony: "Would you mind following me then?"

Zura: "If you help me get rid of him sure."

Tony: "I like your style Kid deal!"

we shake hands and he picks me up and takes off into the sky

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