The Beginning of the End

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I awoke in a medical bed an unknown amount of time later.

Zura: "That fight took more out of me than I would have thought..."

Athena: "Conclusion: The use of Excalibur Tainted is draining your stamina."

Zura: "Ah. Thanks Athena, did you unequip it?"

Athena: "Affirmative!"

Zura: "Athena, how much time passed after I passed out?"

Athena: "1 Day 4 Hours 15 Minutes and 43 Seconds."

Zura: "More than a day? Why?"

Athena: "My thesis is that depleting stamina comes with a prolonged resting period similar to non system influenced humans have exhaustion and faint from that."

I sit up and look out one of the windows. Picking up my scroll that lays on the night desk, I dial Ravels number.

Ravel: "Zura, you're awake."

In the background, I can hear Ruby gasp and exclaim loudly.

Ruby: "He's awake? Finally, can I talk with him he was like, *pow* *kachow*"

Ravel: "He probably just woke up Ruby give him some rest. Anyway, how are you doing?"

Zura: "You're right. I just woke up. Anything to report?"

Ravel: "The girls got into the final round for tomorrow. As did, Team CEMN."

Zura: "I see. Are you lot still in the arena?"

Ravel: "No, we are currently down in Vale with Team JNPR and two other friends."

Zura: "Have fun then. I'll look around Beacon to keep an eye out for our trubblemakers."

Ravel: "Don't overdo it. You've been out for an entire day, after all."

Zura: "I'll be careful. Greet the rest and congratulate the girls from me."

Ravel: "See you later."

Zura: "See you later."

Hanging up I dial Ozpin next.

Ozpin: "Mr Ice it is good to know you are up again."

Zura: "I'm just happy to know that it didn't go to shit while I was out of it."

Ozpin: "That is fortunate indeed. Team RWBY and your fiancé are currently in..."

Zura: "In Vale I know I called Ravel before this."

Ozpin: "Good so youre informed then?"

Zura: "Yes I am. I plan to play lookout on schoolgrounds is that alright with you or does that intervene with your plans?"

Ozpin: "I'd rather you keep your head low Mr Ice not only because of Team CEMN but because of the hightend defenses from Atlas. Since you are in no official documents you could run into trubble with James' Security Droids."

Zura: "I understand. What do you think I should do then Ozpin?"

Ozpin: "How about some battletraining with Glynda and some of our secondyears?"

Zura: "Sounds good to me. Can you send me the directions?"

Ozpin: "Ofcourse and I'll inform Glynda and Team CFVY."

The next morning I felt extremly sore. Team CFVY was pretty advanced in combat and had an amazing Teamwork it took me a while to not loose right at the beginning and I leveled up twice in the process. I also picked up a few ideas for later testing aswell as got lots of advice from the older kids. When Ravel came back and saw me laying exhausted on the couch she laught and got me a wet towel to lay on my forehead. Currently we were back in the Arena to watch the final matches.

Zura: "So who is going in for dou girls?"

I turn towards Team RWBY on my right.

Weiss: "We decided that Yang was our best shot at the title."

Zura: "Good decision. I'd have made the same."

Ravel: "Other than Yang the finalists are Phyrra from Team JNPR Mecury from Team CEMN and Penny Polendina from Team ****."

I give Ravel a confused look.

Zura: "Mercury? Not one of the others?"

She nods her head no.

Ravel: "I also don't understand it but they've chosen Mercury as their finalist."

Announcer: "May Yang Xiao Long from Team RWBY and Mercury Black from Team CEMN come to the arena."

Yang: "That's my cue."

Yang stands up and leaves to get changed.

Zura: "I'll make a quick call to Ozpin keep an eye out for Emerald and the other girl."

Ravel nods and roams the stand with her eyes. I stand up aswell and take my scroll out.

Ruby: "Hey where are you going Yang is going to fight."

I hold up my scroll for her to see.

Zura: "Have to make a call real quick I try to make it quick."

Ruby: "Aww can't it wait?"

I sigh and think how to tell her with all the people around but Blake comes up with something quicker.

Blake: "He probably has to call Ozpin they spoke about a scollarship did you forget?"

Ruby: "Scollarship what Scollarship?"

Weiss nudges her in the side and Ruby's eyes light up.

Ruby: "Oh yeah that Scollarship just make it quick Zura."

Noding at Blake in thanks I head out into one of the corridors. After finding an empty corridor I dial Ozpin but before he picks up my Scroll gets pierced by a steel spike atached to the end of an Umbrella. Looking along the umbrella I see that the one holding it is the girl with the missmatched hair and eyes.

Zura: "So you figured out that I was planning something. And who are you Miss I don't think I ever catched your name."

The girl just gives me a close eyed smile and bows.

Zura: "Our own 1 v 1 final then?"

I bow aswell and summon Draculea. The girl looks schocked at the summoned Sword while I slash at my right arm with Draculea to feed her blood and push her into Overedge mode. Her eyes widen even more.

Zura: "You have your tricks I have mine. Shall we?"

We both jump away from each other and cirlce around in the corridor. I spil my vision again so that I can see what she tries to make me see but still be able to see reality. She fakes a high-kick while actually going for a legsweep. I step back to dodge both attacks before swinging Draculea overhead at her but she opens her Umbrella and deflects my strike with it. She goes for a stab with her now again closed Umbrella but I block with the broad side of Draculea before turning it in a counterblow and slashing at her legs wich she dodges by cartwheeling backwards and kicking my chin upwards. De-summoning and re-summoning Draculea with my arms outstreched as high as possible I deliver a terrifing downwards strike that the girl again dodges wich leaves a deep gash in the floor. Pulling my blade out of the ground I take a step back.

Zura: "Come on stop hiding behind your illusions it's annoying continuesly breaking them."

Her eyes widden in shock before she gets her resolve back and stabing me around a dozen times into the chest without my aura activated. With a hit to the top of my head the girl knocks me out and the last thing I realise is her walking of on some sort of medical gear and shocked yelling from inside the stadium.

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