Engaged with a Phenex

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I was currently sitting with Sirsechs, Venelana, Zeoticus, Lord Phenex and Lady Phenex.

Zeoticus: "Since it would be great to have a third party in Kuohs government I would like you to be a branch family Zura."

Zura: "What does that mean?"

Lord Phenex: "It means that we would like you to be the heir of the Ice Phenex family."

Zura: "So that would be a Phenex Gremory branch family? Or rather only a Phenex since it should be a third party in the Kouh situation?"

Sirsechs: "Phenex only. We may made you my adoptivbrother but you still are not from Gremory Blood you however marry Ravel Phenex."

I grin evily

Zura: "Did Riser got cold feets after he heard that I will be engaged to his family instead of one of the girls?"

Lady Phenex: "Since you will be my son in law. Yes, Yes he did and I am happy that you all choose to send in you and not one of the girls."

Zura: "Thanks I know to appreciate that."

I smile at my soon to be mother in law.

Zura: "How does Ravel feel about all this?"

Venelana: "I talked with her. She is a bit angry that she has to marry a stranger but she is happy to see someone knock sense into her brother."

We continue to discuss more about the position I'd be taking next to Sona and Rias. That till my marriage I'd still be Rias Rook but afterwards would get my own Evilpieces. We also came to the agreement that Ravel and I were to get to know each other before the marriage is hold the latest it would be hold however would be a week after my graduation from Kouh High. I also told them about my halfdragon Sister and my vampire side.

After a few hours a servant of the Phenex family told me that Ravel wanted to meet me. So I went to where he told me to go and found Ravel sitting at a table wearing a red dress on the table was tea and some plates with pancakes. Since I knew through the show that they were delicious I was exited to taste them.

Zura: "Hello Miss Phenex."

Ravel: "Mister Ice."

She nod at me and I sit down opposite her.

Zura: "Did you make these?"

I point at the Pancakes.

Ravel: "Yes you should be happy that I took the time to bake them for you!"

Zura: "Tsundere..."

Ravel: "What..?"

Zura: "I said thanks dear."

I smoothly say and I then see her blush slightly.

Ravel: "Flattery won't get you far Mr. Ice."

I laugh.

Zura: "Of course it doesn't I know that. How could I however resist the temptation to flirt with such a lovely lady Ms Phenex. So however there is still two years in wich we can warm up to each other."

We continued to talk for quite some time while eating the Pancakes Ravel made.

Zura: "Well I have to go Ms. Phenex."

Ravel: "Good night Mr. Ice."

Zura: "Same for you."

I walk out of the room and use magic to travel home.

Zura: "Sahra I'm back."

I get tackled by my Assistant who snuggles into my chest.

Sahra: "Brother!"

I pat here head while smiling.

Zura: "You missed me?"

She nods.

Sahra: "I have made dinner."

I look surprised

Zura: "You can cook?"

she looks a bit grumpy.

Sahra: "I share your stats dummy."

Zura: "Ah yeah I forgot sorry."

we go to the kitchen and eat the mac n' cheese Sahra made.

Zura: "That's incredible I love it. I might get addicted to this."

Sahra smiles as she sees how much I enjoy her cooking. Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

Sahra: "I'll go."

she jumps up and walks through the lobby to the door. I can hear her talking to someone and then calling towards me.

Sahra: "Should I let Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri in?"

Zura: "Sure tell them to wait in the lobby."

Sahra comes back seconds later.

Zura: "It was fantastic thanks Sahra."

I go into the lobby prepared to see Rias and Sona not however to see both with there whole Peerage.

Zura: "Hello everyone what a pleasure. What can I help you with?"

Issei. "I want to fight you!"

Rias: "Issei! Stop!"

Sona: "Congratulation to your win against Riser."

Zura: "Thank you. So I guess not everyone is here just for that."

Tsubaki. "We are here to celebrate the third member of the 'Kouh Council'."

Zura: "Ah did Sechs went through with it befor the marriage?"

Akeno: "Yes he did. Fufu~"

Kiba: "Would you like to have a drink? It's a celebration so it's ok."

Zura: "Sure if everyone's ok then lets have a little Party."

Everyone: "Yeah!"

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