The first round

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The first few matches were nothing to interesting. By the second one Ravel took a seat next to me. When it was Team RWBY's turn the both of us cheered them on, if they could here us or not. When it was almost our turn Ravel and I went to prepare. After waking up I had bought Ravel an Weapon after asking her what she would be most comfortable with so now she was holding a spear.

 After waking up I had bought Ravel an Weapon after asking her what she would be most comfortable with so now she was holding a spear

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It was an A-Rank Weapon Spear of the Hearth wich as its ability strengthens fire attacks made by the wielder by any means. It was getting closer to our round so we headed to the arena I was wearing the gauntlets from Athena's Armor in replacement of a weapon but just before entering I decided against it and went in fist only dismissing the gauntlets again. As we arive in the arena intrigued whispering is heared all across the arena since we are merely a 2 person team but the anouncer explanis our predicament that we grew up outside of the kingdoms and never went to combat school and just were here on a vacation when Ozpin extended an invitation our way for the festival. Our opponents were as the rest a group of four three girls and a boy. One girl had a giant axe while the other two had a short and a long sword the boy had a bow and quiver.

Zura: "You go for the boy and whoever comes after you and I go after axe and then the other two?"

Ravel gives me a short nod and as soon as the fight begins she takes to the skies fire wings extended while I rush towards axe girl. She swings her axe diagonally downwards from left to right but I jump over it by slightly steping back and punch her in the face sliding her back slightly even with her axe stuck in the ground. Long sword comes from my right with an upwards strike while from behind I feel the air flow downwards. I roll to the side and kick the long sword further up unbalancing the girl and turn to short sword who went for an overhead strike earlier she now goes to stab me but I quickly dash backwards with the speed buff from Excalibur Tainted when suddenly the axe slams into my bag taking a chunk out of my aura healing the girls aura right back up thats not good. I decide to keep my distance from her and focus the other two. Since Ravel is flying non of the three can reach her luckily so even if I fall as soon as bow is out we basically win. I punch short sword in the stomach befor dodging with a flip another strike from the axe and kicking both long sword and axe in the face with a clean splitkick man that hurt. Short sword lands a stab while I use the impact to doge another overhead strike of the axe. They either work perfectly in harmony or one of them has a telepathic semblance as non of them has yet uttered a word. I disarm short sword before blocking a strike from long sword with my newly acquired weapon and then kicking both away longsword falling out of the arena with sword sword almost following. I stab the short sword into the ground before rolling away from another strike from an now enraged axe girl thankfully her strikes were now easier to dodge with less distraction and I wasn't hit anymor while slightly damaging her aura with a punch or kick while dodging. After a particular long dodge roll I quickly check the aura of all participants since I haven't seen short sword in a while but I see that she is out aswell Ravel must have taken her out when she was still dazed by my kick the boy was almost in the red so I formulated a plan and continue to draw axe girl towards where the boy was shooting arows at Ravel and dodging her fire. While dodging another axe swing I catch her wrist before grinning manically and swinging her around twice before letting her go as she flies of with a yelp right into her last standing teammate taking out his aura before taking them both out of the arena. The whole stadium erupts into cheers while I check our aura once more Ravel barely went into orange while mine was just short of poking at yellow. Ravel comes dashing down and crashes into my arms hugging me.

Ravel: "You were amazing. I could watch your fight while throwing fire at my opponent. You easily won a three versus one with no weapon. Oh and the spear, my fire was never this strong are you sure I can keep it."

With a laugh and a nod I assure her that she can keep the spear. We leave the arena together and are met by the girl that had the long sword.

LS: "That was a nice match. To bad that we lost despite having the advantage in numbers. I'm Noir Snow from Haven and you?"

Zura: "I'm Zura Ice and this is Ravel Phenex."

Ravel: "Yes it was fun to fight."

Noir: "This is Aoi Sho."

She says while pulling the shorter girl from behind her. And as the boy and the axe girl come over she introduces them aswell.

Noir: "And these are Akame Ryo and Nui Snow my older twin sister."

She says by first pointing at the boy and then the girl. Nui extends her hand towards me and I take it as we exchange a short and strong handshake.

Nui: "Congrats on winning you deserved it after winning a fight so strongly stacked against you."

Akame: "Yeah you were great dude I almost weren't able to instruct the girls quickly enough. My semblance is telepathy so I am able to send toughts from me to someone else aswell as receive thoughts from people I am attuned to."

Noir: "I hope you two win this tournament so we can say that we atleast lost against the winners."

With that the two groups part ways and Ravel and I head back to our spots high up.

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