The Basics

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As I entered my Mansion I startet doing some basics.

Zura: "Hm.. if Inventory is functional... 'Settings'.

befor me appear a few Options

Assistant  (on/off)
Perma HUD (on/off)
Painminimalisation (on/off)
Aura (on/off)

Some interesting Options might I say.

I switch over Perma HUD and Suddenly in the top of my Vision appear a Compass showing wich direktion I'm facing, my Health and on the other side of my Vision an empty Healthbar presumably for Combat. Neat. Next I hit against the wall, nothing. I switch off Painminimalisation and try again, yeah about the pain you would suspect. Makes it more fair. Next up if I were already under the watchful eyes of the Gremory Household in this City I better switch off Aura. Ahh I actually feel less tenses. Lastly I switch over Assistant. And out of nothing a Pop-up Quiz appears.

Zura: "Assistant Creation. One time only. Well ok. 1; Would you like your Assistant to be male or female? Female. 2; Wich size would you like your Assistant to have? Handsize/Catsize/Childsize/Adultsize? Uhm.. Adultsize. 3; Would you like your Assistant to be Human Demihuman or Animalistic? Demihuman. 3,5; What 2nd Race do you want your Assistant to have? Dragon. 4; What personality trait do you want to give your Assistant? Shy at first but warming up to childish love. 5; What do you want to be your Assistants Name? Sahra. Are you sure to creat this Assistant yes/no? Yes."

After I press Yes a flash of light appears befor me and out of the Light steps.

After I press Yes a flash of light appears befor me and out of the Light steps

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Sahra: "He-hello Master I-I am your Assis-assistant Sahra."

Zura: "Uhm yeah Hello. Please don't call me Master."

Sahra: "How shall I call y-you then..?"

Sahra asks shyly

Zura: " Call me Zura."

Sahra: "O-ok Zura."

I smile and pat her on the Head and she shyly smiles back. I think for about 20 minutes while constantly peting Sahra without noticing it.

Sahra: "Z-zura p-please.

Zura: "Huh oh sorry Sahra."

I stop peting her.

Zura: "So your living with me now or how is your existing Sahra?"

Sahra: "Y-yes I wi-will live with y-you."

I nod and walk into a filled Kitchen.

Zura: "You wanna eat something?"

Sahra: "Rice a-and grilled Chicken p-please."

Zura: "No probleme."

I start cutting Chicken and boiling some Water.

Zura: "Can you show me my Stats?"

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