Vacation comes to an end

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I woke up to chaos around me and a slight headache. My first instinct was to jump forward with all my might and crush my shoulder into a giant bear Grimm that was about to maul a student to death.

Zura: "Can you tell me what happened?"

Beacon Student: "Grimm are attacking everywhere. It's total chaos!"

Zura: "You go find your team and try to help any civilians, but don't overdo it, you got that?"

They nod before they take off down the hall. Next, I try to reach Ravel over our comunicators.

Zura: "Are you ok, Ravel? I'm sorry if I worried you mismatched took me by suprise and I underestimated her."

Ravel: "I'm currently taking over air control. Those androids from Atlas have been hacked and are fighting with the grimm, so all air support is down. It's good to know you're ok in all this chaos."

Zura: "It's good to know you're safe as well. Keep up your work. I'll try and group up with the girls. I let you know where to meet us when I found them."

Ravel: "Alright, good luck!"

I first try to reach any of the girls, and luckily, Weiss answers her scroll.

Weiss: "Where have you been! We were worried something had happened to you. With all your secrecy."

Zura: "It's nice to know you were worried, but I'm fine. I just underestimated my opponent. Where are you, and are any of the others with you? We are pushing our departure forward."

Weiss: "I'm..."

She pauses for a moment, and I can hear fighting in the background.

Weiss: "I'm at the landingpad taking out any grimm that might hinder rescue bullheads. The others aren't with me. Last I saw them, Yang took off after Blake, and Ruby went to the tower to find Phyrra. But there is a giant Dragon Grimm headed for the tower as well."

I think for a moment before coming to a decision.

Zura: "Alright, keep doing what you're doing, but try to reach Yang or Blake. I'll see what I can do about that dragon."

Weiss: "I call you when I meet Yang or Blake."

Zura: "If they are unable to regroup here, you go meet them where they are and gove us your location."

Weiss: "Understood."

I hang up and enter the [Shop] to make a quick purchase. When I'm back, I run towards the CCT tower, deciding to screw the elevator. I follow the grimm dragon directly by flying at elevated speeds using [Thunder God Body]. Reaching the top slightly after the dragon, I see Ruby, Phyrra, and Cinder. Throwing my arm up into a throwing position, I throw a lightning bolt at the grimms head, throwing it slightly of the tower and catching the girls attention. Seeing Cinders annoyed and confused face makes me grinn.

Zura: "Hello Ladies, nice day we're having."

Cinder: "You!"

Zura: "Me. What about it."

I let myself fall onto the ground to dodge the grimm that's trying to swallow me whole and throw another lightning bolt at it. Cinder throws shards of fire at me. Neat trick, but useless as long as I use the TGB.

Zura: "So we are playing catch?"

Ruby, meanwhile, rushes over to an exhausted Phyrra. I take out my newly aquired item and wind up another throw. Seeing a simple red spear, Cinder laughs into my face but looses any signs of exhilaration as I release this one-use item.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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