Church Girls and training

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We were heading back as I could feel holy energie from around my house so I quickly wished Kiba goodbye and teleport home.

Zura: "So... what did I do to receive this visit of members of the church?"

I ask from behind the two hooded figures who I knew were Xenovia and Irina. And the two turn around taken back by my sudden appearance seeing as I were again concealing my Aura completely over my options.

Xenovia: "I see so the rumours were true a new governor entered Kouh. Tell me your name devil."

Zura: "Wouldn't you like to come in and have some tea first? I do have something I want you to see anyways."

They discuss for a few moments during wich Xenovia sends me a few glares at me and Irina sends me a few reasuring smiles.

Xenovia: "Fine let us get this over with."

We enter and I instantly get huged by Sahra.

Sahra: "Big Brother!"

Zura: "Hey there."

I pat her head and then lead the girls into the lobby. Once here we sit down at two couches.

Xenovia: "So what did you want to show us devil?"

Zura: "First things first you must be hungry."

Xenovia tries to resist but her stomach growls and Sahra rushes to get our gest something to eat.

Zura: "Than lets get to business. I guess you are here because of the stolen Excaliburs?"

Irina gasps.

Irina: "How do you know that?"

Zura: "I may have done part of your job already."

Xenovia glares at me and signals me to continue. I then summon the Excalibur and lay it down on a table.

Zura: "Guess you were missing this?"

I smile.

Zura: "I took it from a stray priest working with some rouge Fallen. His name was Freed Selzen. You can have it back if you want or I can keep it in the same place I just took it from till you head back to HQ."

Before Xenovia can get mad and snatch away the Excalibur Irina speaks up.

Irina: "That was so cool how did you do that? I didn't detect any magic."

Zura: "Because I didn't use magic. It rather is an ability of mine it's part of my being."

Irina looks at me with awe written all over her face while something I said seem to strike Xenovias interest.

Xenovia: "What do you mean you didn't use magic? You just materialised an Excalibur fragment."

She seems a bit ticked off by my statement but is nonetheless interested in my next answer.

Zura: "Well it is created by magic I guess but that ability is basically a spacepocket I have access to. The ability also manipulates the reality around me wich is part of the reason of me being less affected by the Excalibur."

Xenovia musters me for a moment scanning for any possible lies after not finding any she gets a bit less misstrusting.

Xenovia: "Fine keep it for now but if you don't give it back I will not hesitate to kill you!"

I nod at her statement and put Excalibur back.

Zura: "Now then what brings you here?"

I ask.

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