The new firstyears

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I waited for Tony in the Lab.

Tony: "You need some help Bruce said?"

Zura: "I wanted to build the Hoverboard with some adjustment."

Tony: "What adjustments?"

Zura: "Stronger engines better stability and a Faraday Cage leading ever incoming Lightning into myself rather than the Hoverboard."

Tony: "You wanna grill yourself kid?"

His phone ringed and he excused himself for a second. Just than someone in a red and blue spandex suit walked in.

???: "Mr. Stark I.."

he stops as he sees me.

???: "Uhm and you are?"

Zura: "Zura Ice."

I reach my hand out to the person. By the voice I'd guess a teen boy. He takes my hand.

???: "Spider-Man."

Zura: "Ah I see another Superhero. Well in that case I'm the Gamer."

Spider: "Wait like in those Fanfictions?"

Zura: "Fan what?"

Spider: "Never mind."

Zura: "So... whats a Spider-Man?"

Spider: "You're... joking right? Your friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man?"

Tony: "He's not from our World kid."

Tony comes back in.

Spider: "Wait your an Alien?"

Zura: "Do I look like one?"

Spider-Man and I look at each other.

Tony: "Kid's calm down would you!"

We look at him.

Spider: "He's an Alien Mr. Stark."

Zura: "Do you hear his bullshit?"

We stand befor each other fighting with our glares. Tony hits me on the head.

Zura: "Hey!"

Tony: "Stop mocking my trainee."

Zura: "Sure. Would you excuse me for a second."

I walk out and into an empty hallway.

Zura: " 'Dimension Doorway' "

As I open my eyes again I am back in my home and when I look at my clock I see that time didn't moved much. I were in that Dungeon for about 2 h and all that passed here were 5 seconds. So if I calculate that correctly that would mean 24 h in a Dungeon would be 1 minute. Pretty usefull. I walk up to the Masterbedroom and fall onto my Alaskan Kingsized bed.
(9'×9' in comparison Zura is 5'1'')
(2,74mx2,74m in comparison Zura is 1,54m)

Zura: "Thats way to much space for one..."

I look at the ceiling.

Zura: "What am I doing with this place?"

I just go to sleep after some more thinking.


I walk down the stairs and into the Kitchen. Time to make breakfast. I make some simple eggs benedict. But instead of sauce hollandaise I use a selfmade curry-sauce. Sahra comes down the stairs lured down by the smell of breakfast.

Zura: "Mornin'"

Sahra: "Good morning."

She sits down at the dinning table and I bring the breakfast over.

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