Vacation in Remnant

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Once we finish eating. I point Ravel to the middle of the lobby where I move her luggage. I stand next to her.

Zura: "Excuse me."

I put an arm around her waist for safer travel and use //Dimension Doorway// and the two of us dissappear. When we reappear Ravel seems a bit wobbly on her legs.

Zura: "Are you ok?"

Ravel: "Y..yes just didn't expect what happend."

She straightens back up and seems to have accomodated to the situation.

Ravel: "I am fine now. So where are we?"

I store her luggage in my Inventory and look around.

Zura: "Seems to be the outskirts of a city."

Some kind of aircraft flies over our heads and we both watch in awe. This world seems way more advanced than our.

Ravel: "Is that some sort of helicopter jet combi?"

Zura: "Looks like it. Come let's have a look around."

I hold my hand out to her and we walk through the streets hand in hand. The city seems to prepare for a festival of some sorts. The streets are decorated and the few people walking the streets were chatting amongst each other. We look at a few windows of shops. Some had weapons, some had some kind of crystals and powder. We were interested what the crystals were for so we entered one of the shops that sold them called 'Dust till Dawn'.

Zura: "Excuse me good sir would you tell me about your products."

The merchant explains his different products they are called Dust. Dust is this worlds pseudo magic. It enables the people of Remnant, this world is seemingly called Remnant, to use the power of the elements like Firedust and Icedust but they also have Gravitydust. They use these by infusing their weapons with the desired dust.

Zura: "How much for your entire stock?"

I wanted to experiment with Dust.

Merch: "For all Crystals 300000 Lien for all the pulverised Dust another 690000 Lien."

He looked like he didn't suspect me to just drop down the wanted amount of money but I did. (Note: Zuras money is counted in units because it converts into the currency needed)

Zura: "990000. I'd like everything please."

The merchant seemed flabbergasted while Ravel analyses a Crystal of Firedust. The merchant then struggles to collect all his dust so I decide to help and just store it chunks for chunks in my Inventory. Amazed by my display the merchant asks if I were hear for the Vytal Festival. To wich I shake my head not knowing what said festival is but geussing that it's the same festival everything is decorated for. Asking where I could partake he gives me the way to a school called Beacon where a Turnament is supposed to be hold in a few days. Intrigued by the possibility to see people of this world fight Ravel and I decide to head to said school and take a look around. Once out of the shop again another of theses Aircrafts flies overhead.

Ravel: "I'd suppose there would be a landingpad here somewhere."

I nod and we continue to walk the streets. It seems to still be early in the morning so not much happens but we take a look around till midday where we finally find the supposed landing area. I head to one of the vehicles and adress the pilot.

Zura: "Excuse me would it be possible for you to take us two up to Beacon?"

The pilot nods and points at the back so Ravel and I board the aircraft. While we could have just flewn up ourselfs we had decided to not draw unnecessary attention to ourselves since this was supposed to be a vacation of some sorts. We start and I stand in the open sidedoor I have asked the pilot to keep open for sightseeing purposes. I hold myself on the frame while Ravel stands next to me hugging my arm for support.

Zura: "You ok there Ravel."

Ravel: "I'll survive. It is just so different to flying with wings."

I nod as an answer agreeing with her.
We watch the silhouette of what I assumed to be Beacon get closer.

Zura: "Sure looks like a school your brother would go to huh?"

I say with a slight smirk on my face.

Ravel: "While I'd like to deny that I cant."

When we finally reach a landingpad ontop of the cliff.

Zura: "What do you get for that?"

I ask the pilot.

Pilot: "500 Lien."

I drop the amount into his hand and then head slowly towards the school.

Ravel: "Do you think it's ok to be here? I mean we aren't students here."

Zura: "If we are asked we tell them the truth. We are new here and wanted to check the school out."

Ravel nods and we do as planned. Looking around the school. We later are getting advanced by a blonde woman with glasses.

???: "Would the two of you tell me what you are doing here?"

She asks looking slightly angry. Looking at Ravel I nod for her to answer.

Ravel: "We are fiance and fiancee of a forced marriage. We are on a Vacation to get to know each other better."

Looking at me for confirmation I nod at the blonde.

???: "Fine I believe you if you agree to meet with the headmaster."

Looking at Ravel she shrugs her shoulders so I nod to the presumably teacher. She begins to lead the way while Ravel and I follow her. Upon reaching the top of a tower through an elevator the teacher knocks.

???: "Come in."

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