Party crashing Vampires

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Gasper and I were currently talking in my newest DD.

Zura: "You remember the two weeks Rias gave us? In here they are six weeks."

Gasper: "Really? Does that mean we are going to age four more weeks than the others?"

Zura: "Nope we age in real-time so only two weeks."

-two(+four) weeks later-

Zura: "You're confident about your powers now Gaspy?"

Gasper: "Yes thank you Zura."

He smiles at me.

Zura: "Good we're heading back."

Gasper runs to me and hugs me as we port back to the Clubroom.

Gasper: "We're back bitches!"

I look shoked at him.

Gasper: "Sorry?"

Zura: "I hope you are! Who teached you that?"

Gasper: "Internet."

Zura: "Someone here?"

???: "Are you the new Rook the others told me about?"

We look at the voice.

Zura: "And you are?"

Grafia: "I am Grafia a Maid of the Gremory Clan."

Gasper: "Grafia why are you here?"

Grafia looks curiously at Gasper.

Grafia: "So you really got him out. I am here to pick you two up."

I raise a brow.

Zura: "What for?"

Grafia: "For Rias Weeding. Her brother would like for you to assist the red dragon emperor."

I look at my vampire friend and grin.

Zura: "Wanna crash a party Gaspy?"

Gasper: "With so many people...?"

Zura: "You could find someone cute and friendly."

Gasper nods and Grafia gives us a Envelope.

Grafia: "Rias also wanted to give you this Rookpiece of hers."

She embedded the piece in my Chest and I check my stats

//Name: Zura
Nickname: Big Brother, Gamer, Mask, Sensei, Gremorys Rook
Race: Devil/Vampire
LvL: 11 50/500
HP: 85/85+2(235/235) 5(13) regen/min (+150%)
Mana: 125/125(313/313) 5(13) regen/min (+150%)
Sta: 106/106(265/265) 2(5) regen/min (+150%)
Atk: 52+2(184) (+250%)
Def: 55+1(194) (+250%)
Spe: 69+1(174) (+150%)
Luc: 999(999) (max) (+150%)
Skillpoints 4//

That's one hell of a change even considering the 4 levelups I did the last six weeks.

Zura: "Were going to buy Tuxedos!"

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