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"Sam get your ass out of bed now!" His mother yelled as she pulled the curtains up, they made a screaming noise in protest as he groaned and curled the pillow over his head. He heard her muttering something before the warmth was ripped off him and he was forced to get up.

"Mom no!."

"You are 25, you don't live here anymore Sam. You have a house in LA, go there, your friends are worried about you."

She sat down on the edge of his bed as he stared blankly at the wall behind her, it wasn't her fault, this was just how he was coping and she knew that, so she placed a loving hand on his, gave him a small smile and left the room.

"You don't live here anymore Sam.." he repeated the statement as he looked down at the mess on his floor, several opened food packages were everywhere and he was sure he could smell a spilt drink somewhere but he chose to ignore this factor for the moment. What he did do though is get up, change and close his bedroom door.

"Morning Sam." His younger sister chirped as she skipped down the stairs with headphones and an iPod in her hand, victorious playing loudly through it. He grumbled in response and followed behind her.

"Mom I'm going back.. I love you."

"Take care of yourself sweetie." She waddled over and gave him a hug before he left the safety barriers of his home. He had to face it, he had to..

At his house

The key turned as he pushed it open and was met with three worried faces and a happy looking Circa.





They all yelled at once as he closed the door and trudged to the kitchen, them following like penguins.

"I stayed at my moms for a couple nights.."

"A coup-" Elton stumbled on his words as he scoffed and had to sit down.

"You were gone for two months Sam.. Colby was so worried.." Jake spoke as he took a slow step towards him.


"Yes he was." Corey spoke as he picked at a soggy piece of watermelon.

"He broke up with me remember! He broke me and then left me, as soon as he was done with me, he threw me out like fucking trash. He didn't love me, he never did and what he did proves that."

Sam spoke quietly but with such ferocity that the boys stayed silent. The creak of the stairs made his head turn, Colby stood at the bottom in nothing but a tank top and ripped trackies.."

"Sam don't-"

"I'm fine Corey."

Colby walked into the kitchen and sat beside Elton as they all went quiet and looked between the both of them. Colby refused to make eye contact and Sam knew why, because he was a coward and a cheap skate and someone who broke him and left him when he needed him the most.

"Sam can we talk?"



"I said no Colby."

He grabbed a bottle of water, opening it, he sculled about half before throwing it in the sink and slamming his hands down on the table, making Colby jump and stare at him.

"You fucking left me when you knew I was hurt, before you even broke up with me, you knew what I was going through with my dads death and you still left. I may be a forgiving person but I will never forgive you for that."

Colbys face dropped even more as he spoke, Sams throat felt like it was going to cave in on itself as he seethed out every little emotion he was holding it for two months.

"People you love don't lie to you because they will hurt your feelings. They lie to you because the truth behind them is worse than anything they've ever protected you from."

Elton cleared his throat as he moved his chair away from Colby slightly as Jake stood behind him. The boys were getting awkward just sitting here and they really wanted to leave but they didn't know how to.. they love both of them but they really didn't want to be in the middle of this.

"Saying sorry doesn't mean anything if you keep doing the same dumb shit." Sams voice rose as Colby sat quiet.

"You can't really blame me can you! You can only blame yourself because all along we were only an experiment huh? I saw you and Brennan the night before we broke up, you wanna know what Colby, the last time I trusted you! I lost everything so I'm not gonna do that again." Sam finished as his chest rose up and down in anger.


"Elton I'm done, I'm moving out. I'm sorry, I love you guys and i truly wanted to live here but staying here will be a constant reminder that he hurt me in ways you three wouldn't understand."

They all nodded at different times as Jake looked like he was about to cry they led him into another room. Colby dropped the eye contact and Sam laughed, hard.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Sam."

"Don't. I don't need your pathetic excuses anymore. I should've known, I thought I could trust you. I thought we were at least friends before we dated, I.. I still believe there's a good person in you but I won't be around to find out if that's true.. so, have a nice life Colby and I'll see you around."

Twelve years later


Colby shouted over the music playing over the Bluetooth as he walked into the house, Sam had been diagnosed with stage four cancer and was only days away from death they reckoned so Sam did everything he could think of before he died.

He stuck by his promise to himself, he didn't go back to Colby, he disconnected himself from him, bought a house and lived his life to the fullest.

"I just came because you didn't answer your moms calls and she's worried."

He turned the music down as he continued through the house.


Walking into the bedroom, Sam was sat in front of the bed, head down and leaning to the side slightly. Colbys knees almost gave out as he fell to the floor beside him.

"Sam? SAM!" He shook him as he just flopped to the side, reaching for his pulse, it was void.



Jolting up out of bed, he shook violently as he reached over and for the blonde boy, once his hand landed on a warm body he relaxed.

"Oh thank god, just a dream.. all just a dream."

Wrapping his arm around his waist, he felt Sam relax under his touch and he pulled him in close.

It was all just a dream..

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