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The room was, to be put, quiet.
Two people minding their own business, sitting in the same chairs, not really strangers, but not really anything more.
To the both of them, this situation was probably the best option, they had both been saved from whatever grabbed them that night and despite the several, desperate attempts to throw those thoughts away, it always brought them back.

"How'd you sleep after that?" One of them spoke up, the silence being too loud for strangers.

"I didn't."

Their eyes never tore from the small pieces of paper in their laps, another chair was placed down beside them and it all began again.

"Who would like to go first."

"I know I said this would be helpful, but I'm really regretting this now."


"Well your both in here because you chose to be now either spit it out or I will spit it out for you."

Sam decided to scrunch it up in a ball and throw it at the instructor who huffed and picked it up.

"Real mature."

"I know."

Colby snickered from his side of the room, hand flying to his mouth and pretending he was scratching his chin.

"Anyway.. Sam wrote, how can emptiness feel so heavy? Honest feelings and bad timing make the most painful combination, that night proved that.. over and over again. It's better this way though... lonelier.. but better."

Sam stilled as his words were spoken with such lack of emotion that it made him feel sick, he hated being looked or talked about.

"Colby yours."

"I can read it for myself.."

"Go ahead then."

"Some things go to deep to be forgotten.. I said it was fine, but I never said it didn't hurt."

Scrunching the page up, Sam could tell by the way he cleared his throat and coughed awkwardly, that there was more on that page.

"Well.. that was, short."

The room was silent for a while, both desperately scared souls opposite each other, searching for the other without actually getting attached.

"Now, are you guys ever going to talk about what happened that night."

"It left a mark. Every word, every moment, every sigh and every half smile. It left a mark."
Colbys face finally lifted to Sams, his soul was begging him not to go through this again, he couldn't take it.


"Loving you was the most exquisite form of destruction."

Sam bowed his head as a small sad smile placed itself on his face, Colby could feel the regret and loneliness pouring out onto the room from his side.

"You guys were in-"

"No, I was, he wasn't."

"I wanted to explain Sam, but my soul was tied up in knots of our past and I couldn't open those back up again."

"So instead of opening up, you led him to me and watched as he burned my whole life down? Is that what you did?"

"I had no idea he would do that!"

"He did it before, he did it again. What more can't you fucking see!" Standing up out of his chair, the woman in the middle stood up and raised her hands out, trying to calm him down.

"God I w-"

"What Colby, go back and not introduce me to him! I have nothing left, he burned it all down. EVERYTHING!"
It was just pure emotion wrapped in words, his emotions finally coming out, after months of wrapped up silence.


"YES, YES YOU DID! He did it to Agatha? He did it to Julia? You still told him about me and he did it to me too! I lost everything Colby, my home, my pictures, my life!"

Colby was walking towards him as his face showed no sign of emotion.

"You told him about me, you led him to me, you watched him break me apart and ruin me and you still somehow managed to be my fucking saviour throughout everything!"
He hated the way he felt, he hated how common and causal the words felt coming off his tongue.

"You were my saviour."

"Only because I had to be, you almost died, I had to protect you, unlike you, I fucking loved you and I wanted you to fucking live, I wanted to fight for something, someone."

"I wanted to-"

"No you didn't."

Colby was stopped by the woman's hand and he was still staring intently at him, Sam wasn't crying, he wasn't about to, he didn't feel like it.

"Sometimes I wonder why I bother to come to these fucking things."

"What happened that night Boys, obviously something big otherwise you both wouldn't be acting like complete assholes to each other."

"His brother broke into my house in the middle of the night, I had just had an argument with Colby, his brother thought I was asleep and completely covered my house in gasoline, I only knew the house was on fire when the smell of smoke came up the stairs. I couldn't figure out what had happened, I thought I left the stove on, so I walked downstairs, everything was covered in thick fire, he stood in my doorway with a lighter and a smile on his face as he dropped it and it ignited even further. I jumped out the second story window, climbed down the fire escape and was almost beaten to death by him, until the cops showed up."

The woman gasped at the story as she took her hand off of Colbys chest.

"They said he did it because I had been an asshole to Colby, disrespected him and humiliated him. I lost everything because Colby decided to tell his psycho brother that I had feelings for Colby.."

Colby shook his head and tried to speak but Sam just kicked the chair away and raised his hands.

"I'm done, sorry doc."

Walking out, Colby stood in despair as he watched him walk away.


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