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Summary: Colby broke up with Sam, but he regrets it.. so bad.

"So that's it? We're done?" Sams shaking voice came from the other line as Colby sat in the airplane seat, the engine roaring to life. "Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to turn your phone off."

"I'm sorry Sam."

Hanging up, he turned it on airplane mode and closed his eyes, he didn't want to break up with Sam but his management was making him.


2 months later

"Yes I'm in LA again, i just touched down." Colby grabbed his suitcase off the spinning tray as several other people crowded around it, holding the phone properly to his ear, he walked off down the airplane corridor.

"Yes I got the schedule, no I don't see why I have to pretend anymore Simon! This is my life, your just a company, I have several others lined up."

Hailing a taxi, he lugged it into the boot and slammed it shut, still on the phone, he closed the taxi door and gave him the address.

"Im done talking to you, I already told you last month our contract is over. Goodbye."

Hanging up, he put the phone down and looked out into the busy, wet, streets of LA. The street lights and shops bustling with noise and music as the nightlife began.

He missed this, no matter how stressful it was living here, he missed it.
He missed Sam more, but he would never admit that to anybody other than himself, if there was one thing he hated, it was attention seekers and hypocritical people, for gods sake he was not going to be one of those people.

"We're here sir."

"Thank you."

Handing over the money, he got his suitcase out and rolled it up the driveway, noticing how empty his house looked from the outside, he breathed in the smell of peace and unlocked the front door.

It was empty, as always. The only smell was smoke, like a fresh lit fire.

A fresh lit fire?

Confused, he walked into the lounge room and saw sam on the couch, curled up in there blanket and in front of the fireplace, wood crackling and Netflix playing.

"What are you doing?" He asked casually as he put his keys in the back pocket. "Last i checked this was our house and you didn't take my key off me two months ago so my things are still here because we both paid for this house, remember?"

Putting his bag down, he inhaled deeply as the blonde moved positions on the couch and turned the tv up.

"Just don't be too long, you know how bad your migraines get in the morning after staying up-"

"Yea whatever."

Colbys lips shook slightly, not because he missed Sam, well he did, a lot but that's not the point. They shook because Sam wasn't the usual happy, carefree boy that he fell in love with all those years ago... he was different, even though it has only been a couple months, it seems like everything's changed.


Picking his stuff back up, he went upstairs and retired for the night, not missing the loud music below him from the tv playing, he knew what song Sam was playing and wriggled closer under the sheets.


"Forgive me, I'm a fucking fool."

Sam scoffed as he continued to scoop the cereal into his mouth, ignoring the older boys pleads.

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