"Bind dates."

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"Oh why not Colby! She's perfect, brunette, blue eyed, Gemini!" He gawked at the girl as he flipped the laptop screen at a grimacing Colby who only wanted one persons attention, but his attention was locked on the dating site.

"If you think she's so good, why don't you date her?"

"Because- you, focusing on you." Colbys heart increased at that little sentiment, even though it wasn't directed to him personally but his dating life.

"Sam please-" Colby was cut off by a hand over his mouth and a chick shoved in front of his widening eyes. "LOOK HOW PERFECT!" He examined as the brunettes eyes softened onto Sams face. Not as perfect as you.

"Fine set me up."

Sams smiled wide and clicked the match button, Colby turned on the couch a little so he was facing Sam more, relaxing his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Okay she said she's free today and then not for the rest of the week, wanna meet her?"


"Okay, 7:30 tonight at the Malibu cafe." He smiled in accomplishment as Colby sat there, simping, over Sam.

"Mmmhmm." He murmured out as Sam closed the laptop screen and got up. "I'm going to the bathroom and then I'll drive you to the date."

"But it's not till 7:30."

"Colby it's 6:30 now."

Picking up his phone, he has lost track of time and all thanks to the fucking god sitting beside him, trying to set him up with a girl when all he really wants is Sam.

"Okay hot stuff let's go."

"Be nice, don't be a douche and pay for the meal, I'll be around here somewhere, I heard there's a sale and you know me, gotta get the goods." Sam laughed to himself as Colby played with the hem of his shirt.

"You think she'll like me?"

"Colby your an amazing guy, anybody would be lucky to have you now hurry up and go."

He took one final look at the blonde boy before getting out and walking down the street towards the busy cafe. Looking over the crowd, he saw the girl hunched over and looking at a brightly coloured drink.

"Hey, you must be Analisa."

"Hey!! How are you?"

"And then she pushed me and I fell straight into the pool." She snorted as she downed another drink.

Colby smiled politely as he looked out into the dark street, his mind searching for something but he couldn't figure it out.

"So tell me Analisa, any friends you've been with since you were little?"

"Hell yea, Jamie is literally right over there, she's the bartender and my ride home." She slurred out as Jamie gave her a concerned look.

Colby looked back out the window at the array of shops either side and the street lights shining brightly down on all the hidden gems. A familiar figure made his heart skip a beat and he stood up, not taking his eyes off him.

"I have to go, this was really nice."

Without a second glance he grabbed his coat and ran out of the cafe, into the street and towards Sam.

There you are..

"Hey Colbs, how was the-"

"I'm in love with you."

Sam dropped the coat he was looking at and took a step back, Colby took this as a bad sign and his confidence dropped.

"Oh shit.. I am so sorry, it just came out and I freaked you out and fuck me im stupid."

Colby took several steps back before Sam finally snapped out of it, closing the distance and standing right before him.

"I've been in love with you since we were in high school."

"Oh thank god." He whispered out before smashing their lips together, Sam groaning into it and wrapping his hands securely around his neck.

"What about the girl?"

"She's obviously gay and her girlfriend was at the bar, I saw the matching tattoos and the way she said her name, it's like how I say yours, with pure love."

Sam smiled and kissed him once more before interlocking their hands.

"Ooo that's a nice jumper.."

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