"Why cant you remember?"

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Summary: Colby hated Sam with a passion, or that's what it looked like. When they stumble upon each other ten years after high school, Colbys reminded of why he didn't actually hate Samuel Golbach.


"Get off me bitch!" Colbys voice echoed through the empty hallways as Sam had bumped into him accidentally, the blonde haired boy had flipped him off and stood his ground.

"What the fuck happened to you Brock? we use to friends, did your dick get bigger and the attention get too much? Did you friends not like me or something?"

"I just hate you."

"Well I'll be damned, didn't know that dumbass." Sam violently whispered as he glared at Colby under his eyelashes. Colby, unphased, simply leant down slightly to Sams level, even though they were only a foot apart.

"I hate you"

"No shit!"

Colby then stalked off, a blonde flipping him off as he went.


"What has he done that has made you hate him so much?" Colbys mum had asked simply as she was cutting up vegetables for dinner. He groaned and closed his book, flicking bits of dirt off the dining room table, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Doesn't matter."

"No, it does. He was your best friend and you turned your back on him because you got into the big, tough group or something?"

"No mom just drop it."

"I want to know."


"Because they're coming over for dinner."


"Yea so tell me Colby Brock, why do you-"

"Because I don't, I don't hate him, I'm in love with the idiot." He admitted to himself and to his mom as they both stood there in silence, one in proud silence and one in shocked and kinda thankful silence.

"Called it."


Those little memories had been flying through his head as he drove through his home town, the feeling of regret soaring through his fingers as he slowed down, watching as several elderly people walked across the road.

He didn't want to admit that he was in love with Sam but he was, or had been. Looking down at his phone, he passed a song and wonder by Shawn Mendes came on, looking back up a blonde haired boy had ran across the road and helped an elderly man cross the road.

Colby sat straighter in his seat as they crossed, the all too familiar dimples, the wavy blonde hair, the mismatched clothes. A honk brought him out of his daze, the boy looking towards the noise, his eyes shining directly onto Colbys car, Sam.

Speeding off, he gulped hard as he tighten his grip on the wheel.


"I'm home!" He called out to the empty house, he heard a couple screams and laughed whole heartedly as his little sister and mom came round the corner screaming and jumping into his arms.

"Your here!" His little sister, Mindy, called out as he ruffled her hair and kissed her cheek, putting her down. Hugging his mom properly, she sighed and hugged him tighter.

"I missed you curly."

"I missed you too."

"There's a neighbour that moved in a couple months ago, you know him quite well."

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