"Best friends? Bullshit." Pt 3

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Read part 1 and 2 before this

Sam hadn't been out of the house for a week, sure, he had gone to his car and grabbed some things but that was about it. He avoided talking to Colby, only talked to the others and when he was asked about what happened, he would shrug it off and tell them 'don't worry about it, it's sorted' before turning whatever he was doing up.

Elton was concerned, to say the least. Several times the other night, he had stood outside Sams bedroom door as he heard his sobs from his room, he could only feel what Colby was if they were this loud, heartbroken, his friend was hurting and he couldn't do anything because he, like the rest of the house, didn't know what was going on.

"Something has to change." Corey yelled suddenly at them both, Colby stopped tapping his phone and looked up, curious. Whereas Sam, kept walking and into his room, Colbys eyes following him.

"What's going on?"

"Not my place?"

"Not your- it's to do with both of you and Sams clearly fucking hurt by something and you won't talk and he won't talk and I hear him sobbing every night and it hurts because I'm meant to be the helper, not the bystander. Now you tell me or I'll ask him."

That last sentence made Colby stand up, fury rushing to the surface, something Elton had never seen on him before. Corey stood up protectively beside him and put his phone away, ready to intercept at any time.

"It's none of-"

"YES IT IS! You live in my house, which I paid for, you live here because I let you, because I care and trust you, not because your poor or jobless. You live here, where if there are fucking problems, WE DEAL WITH THEM!" Eltons voice made Coreys eyebrows raise as Colby simply shook his head and grabbed his keys, leaving the house.


Storming off to Sams room, he calmed down before knocking, waiting for permission.

"Come in."

Opening the door, he closed it behind him and sat down beside the curled up boy.

"What's going on? And don't say nothing or it's none of my concern because there's something going on and I don't want him leaving because of some stupid reason."

"I-it's not stupid, what i said was stupid."

Sam sat up and pulled his hoodie down, facing Elton.

"The other night when we went to the bar, me and Colby hooked up and woke up half naked next to each other. Cant remember what happened or how we got there but said it was a mistake, I'm his best friend and it was a mistake."

Sam sighed as he tried to stop the tears coming for the third time that day.

"I know it was stupid of me to read into then because obviously we don't know what happened. But then in the kitchen, he apologised for being rude and then I told him we had to forget it, move on. I ended up blurting out I was in love with him and told me he would rather stop the relationship altogether. So now we're here..."

Elton pulled him into a big hug and felt the boy cry against his shoulder, his heart breaking even further at the noise.

"I don't know why I fucking told him that, I don't know what I thought it would do but now we're not even friends.. god I hate this."

"Hey! You told him because you're in love with him Sam, when we fall in love we do stupid things, confessing isn't one of them. Expressing how you feel is what makes you human, the good and the bad times."

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