I cant..

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Sam paced the small studio room, Kat was meant to be here any moment and his audio was still playing through the speakers. He couldn't stop pacing, he, at one point, had tried to stop and failed.

A knock at the door sent his legs into haywire as he stumbled into the door and opened it, smile on his face as Colby appeared on the other side.


"We're you expecting somebody else?" He asked slowly, eyes uncertain about something.

"Uh, yea. Kat."

"Oh, I'll go."


"No, I'll go, seriously."

Sam watched as he ran almost down the hallway, then as soon as he was out of sight, a hand landed on his shoulder and a giggle at his ear.

"Hi baby."


Holy shit that was close. Colby was sitting in his car, panting as he had quite just got into it after bolting out of the studio office.

"Why did you act like that? Why? Why!"

His eyes went to the studio and he could see the bright lights from here, and if he looked hard enough he could see Kats pink hair. Groaning, he turned the key and took off.


"Colby where have you been?" Elton asked as he got inside, shaking his head, he dropped his keys on the table and rushed upstairs, leaving the boys to wonder what had gotten into him.

Opening his bedroom door, he sat down at his desk and sighed, scrolling through their videos together, he realised now, more then ever, their videos were slowly turning into just Sam and Katrina focused, not him and Sam.


Closing his eyes, he heard a car pull up outside, the headlights flash his window with a strip of light before fading away. Looking out his window, Sam stepped out of the car and Elton and Corey walked out to Coreys car, saying hey and goodbye as they did.

"Where are they going?" Colby asked himself as he heard the front door open, freezing, he jumped off his bed and ran to his door, locking it. Why was he doing such a childish thing? He wouldn't know how to answer that to be honest.

A knock at the door made him jump, despite him knowing Sam was home.

"I know your in there man, I saw you from downstairs. I just want to say that I can't do the video tomorrow, im going to vegas with Kat and her friends."

He waited for a moment before rushing to his door and unlocking it, coming face to face with the dirty blonde boy.


"Im sorry man, it's just something tha-"

"We promised the fans that we would make that video. You promised as well!"
He sounded pushy but he didn't care, Sam just can't do these things and expect Colby to be okay with it.

"Look, I'm sure you will make something better and-"

"I don't care what you think, I think we should stop right now."

Sam frowned and looked at him quizzically.


"This channel is turning into a love fest, it's just you and Kat, twenty four seven and when it's not Kat it's you Talking about Kat."

"Look I'm sorry man that you're jealous or something but that's not something I can change. I have a girlfriend, you don't, get over it."

"Fuck you."

Sams eyebrows almost fell off his head as Colby slammed the door in his face. Locking it and sitting down on his bed, turning on the tv and watching the latest Big Bang Theory episode.

"Colby I'm sorry!" His voice from outside rose over the tv and he just turned it up.

He wasn't jealous, he wasn't envious of them, he was envious of Kat. So he sat there, like a child, on his bed and watched BBT while his best friend sat in his room and called his girlfriend.

"Why are you such a sook?"


It was around 11:30pm when he left his room, Colby could hear the door close from his room and he got up. He didn't want to seem like a weirdo so he waited till the downstairs lights flooded through the bottom of his door and he left his room.

When he got downstairs, Sam was sitting on the kitchen island, water bottle in hand and rubbing his head.


Looking up, he smiled softly and nodded.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I just.. I feel like we've drifted, so.. so far away from each other and It hurts because we promised each other as teens."

Colby walked towards him, hovering just an inch before his legs, standing directly in front of him.

"We grow up Colby, things happen. It's nobody's fault."

He nodded and had to bite down several angry tears as they rose in his eyes. Sam watched as he stood there.

"Fine, I um.. I think what I said earlier, we should do it." Colbys voice was small and distant as Sam looked up, eyes meeting Colbys.


"It's for the best, we don't hang out anymore and this channel will only go downhill from here."

Walking past Sam, he grabbed Colbys jumper and slowly pulled him back, this time between his legs.

"Colby please."

He didn't know what happened, Sam just looked so perfect and there and within reaching distance and he just did it. Leaned across and kissed him, pulled back and saw the blank expression on Sams face, sighing, he cleared his throat. He didn't know why he did it again but he did, a loud crash outside made them jolt apart.

"I.. I'm sorry Sam."


Sam swallowed as Colby stood still, the tension thick as they leaned further towards each other. Colbys nose hit sams, their breathing turning into heavy pants as the space got smaller between them.
Colby leaned forward and kissed him once more, emotions running rampant as Sam leaned into the kiss more, mouths moving in sync as Colby took a step forward.

A knock at the door made them pull apart, Kat walked in and her heels got closer as the boys stayed still.

"Hey Sam, just dropping off the things you left at mine. I'm sorry we decided to end things, I just don't feel like we don't talk enough anymore.. youre still one of my greatest friends."

Sam looked at her and smiled as she hugged him.

"Oh hi Colby."

He waved at her slightly as she left, heels exiting the house.

"I Uh.. what?"

"Oh yea, we broke up."

Sam stood off the kitchen island as Colby stayed still, their noses almost touching.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh huh."

Sam leaned forward and kissed him, Colby dragged his hand through the golden locks and kissed back.

"Oh I forgot my purse!" Katrina's voice echoed through the house as Colby went to pull away but Sam just kissed him harder, dragging them to the living room as Kat wasn't near them yet.

"Where the-"

Colby heard her grab her purse and leave, then he looked at Sam as the blue eyed man smiled at him.

"That was a turn of events."

"Shut up Colby."

He did.

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