"Almost Lovers." Pt 3

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Sam hadn't left his house for at least a week for anything other than shopping and he was okay with that. He hadn't talked to Colby since that stormy morning and he didn't want to, he had said what he said and he wasn't going to take it back, no matter how much he wanted to in the moment.

"Hey Sam, how's the house going? Left it yet?" Eltons voice came through his Bluetooth as he cleaned up the kitchen.

"Yea I went out and got groceries."

"I mean for other things."

"No Elton I have not." The line went silent for a moment as he heard talking in the background, no, arguing.

"What's that?"

"Oh uh nothing just Corey and Jake arguing over a game.. gotta go, see ya."


He hung up.

Strange man

Finishing washing the dishes, he turned the tv up louder and sat down, not really paying attention, it was raining again.

"And in other news, former Celebrity, Alissa James and Colby Brock have made the harsh decision to split up. Colby came out and said he had enough of the spotlight and didn't support how toxic was becoming."

Sams eyes shot to the tv as the news reporter laughed at Colbys statement. That simple action made Sams insides burn with anger.

A loud knock at his door dimmed the burning in his gut. Walking over, he opened it and came face to face with Colby.

"I need to talk to you."

"Couldn't have called?" Sam tried to act calm, walking away from the door as Colby walked in.

"Not something I can call you about."


"I broke up with her."

"I know, it's on every channel." Sam clicked every channel in pettiness.


"Look if your gonna break my heart even more can we at least go outside."

"But it's raining."

"Then I can go all in on my melodramatic movie moment." Sam replied in an obvious sort of way.

"Can we talk.. normally."

"Fine. Talk."

"I don't know how to love you." Colby spoke those seven words, making Sam want to scream and punch him.

"You make me self-destructive" anger ripped through the words, Colby bowed his head and nodded.

"I don't wanna lose you."

"You lost me ages ago Colby, when you stopped answering my calls, when you blocked me, when you left me." Sam walked over to the other side of the room in annoyance, Colby easily gliding over to the same side.

The thunder and rain crashing around them, making the room lights shake and splutter, it didn't affect them though.

"Please I'll do anything, your my bestfriend."

"No! You know what, it hurt, it hurt when I realised that you're not in love with me. But nothing could ever compare to the pain I felt when I saw you loving her, and you come in here and tell me that you don't know how to love me? Bullshit." Sam had spun around just as a lightning bolt hit the earth making a loud cracking noise, neither of them jumped.

"None of that matters now. You left without saying goodbye...I hate you for that."

"You hate me and I have no idea why!" Colby shockingly yelled at Sam who almost exploded.

"I LOVED YOU AND THEN YOU WERE GONE.." letting out a deep sob, he covered his mouth with the back of his hand and tried to stop himself from crying. It was a mistake coming here, leave me alone."


Sam groaned, while smiling upset and crying.


"I-I don't know."

"For fuck sakes Colby.. leave." Sam dropped his head as the storm got bigger outside. Colby looked at him desperately once more before leaving the apartment.

Be strong.

"You know what no.." colby slammed the door as he turned back around, his bottom lip shaking and his face drawn with tears.
Sam let a couple tears fall down as his whole body yearned for him to cry harder me

"The only reason i couldn't fucking love you was because I am dying to kiss you, I am always dying to fucking kiss you and I knew that if I even got a chance to touch you I wouldn't be able to control myself. So don't you dare tell me it's bullshit." His teeth clenched and Adam's apple bobbing furiously as he cried, standing in front of Sam.

Almost lovers

"Letting you go and telling you how I felt was the hardest things I've ever had to do."

"Don't let me go then." Colby almost crashed into Sam as he desperately ached for him.

"I can't forgive you."

"Please forgive me."

"Colby stop fucking repeating me." Sam yelled at him, Colbys eyes shifted from his eyes to his lips and then back. "Don't look at me like that."

"Why not Sam, we both want each other."

"Because I tried so hard to stop myself from loving you and I got there and now I'm forgetting why and it's hurting my heart."

"I don't wanna be just friends anymore, I've done that. I hated it, wanting you and then being scared, no more, fuck that."

Colby almost levitated towards Sam as he collided their lips together, in a desperate attempt at affection, Colby grabbed his neck and pulled him closer to his body. Sam, despite how he was talking, kissed back and almost cried as Colby pressed his body onto Sams.

"I love you.." Colby uttered those words as he dragged his lips to attach to Sams neck, moving his head back, he groaned out as the rain got heavier and the sky grew darker.

"I love you.. love me Sam."

"I do.. oh fuck me I do."

Pulling away, Colby smiled and pressed their lips together again in a heated kiss, Sams legs wrapping around Colbys waist, Colbys hands digging themselves into his hips.

"Your perfect."

"Shut up and kiss me."

Dragging Colbys head towards his lips, Colby groaned at the dominance and slipped his tongue in, earning a groan from Sam.

"I told you, your my rain.." Sam moaned out as Colby bit down on his bottom lip, shutting him up.

"Be quiet."

"Make me."

Colby did just that, for three hours.

Sam could finally say, they weren't almost lovers, they were in fact lovers.

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