Car crash

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"Hi is this Colby Brock?"

Those simple words made Colbys blood freeze, it wasn't a happy call, it was a solemn call.


"Hello sir, Samuel Golbach has been involved in a car crash and is in James royal hospital."

He stopped everything, dropping the controller and sitting up straighter, his whole world stopped turning.


"He's in critical condition and in case he doesn't sur-"

"Don't say that, I'm on my way."

Hanging up on the officer, he knew she was just trying to
Do her job but this was his boyfriend we were talking about.

"Sams had a car accident."

Was all he said, getting up and running out the door, flying down the porch and into his car. Speeding out of the driveway, he went over the limit several times on his way, determined to get there as soon as possible.

"Come on.. come on.. COME ON!" He yelled furiously as the truck in front of him slowed down, growing impatient, he sped up and overtook him, the driver flipped him off and he simply kept going.

"Fuck off then stupid ass trucker."

Pulling into the hospital, he parked in the worst possible way and made a beeline for the front doors, he needed to know...


"S-Samuel Golbach, car crash.." his fingers drummed on the desk as the receptionist raised a brow at it, typing away delicately at her keyboard.

"Room 201 down the hall and take two lefts."

Not waiting, he started sprinting.

195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201!

Opening the door, he almost fell against the doorframe, Sam lay on the bed, eyes closed and heart monitor beeping steadily. Creeping over, he pulled a chair over and sat down, sliding his hand into Sams, he kissed it delicately and sighed.

"What happened baby.."

Kissing his hand repeatedly, a knock at the door made him shoot towards it. A friendly lady walked in with a board in her hand.

"He's stable now, somehow he fought whatever was going on in his mind and came out successful, now it's just a matter of time." She patted Colby on the back lovingly as several tears slipped down his face, a thankful smile on his face.

"Thank god." He whispered as she left, gripping Sams hand tightly and leaning his forehead down onto it, crying slightly as he felt how still Sam was.

"Why are you crying?" The bed shifted as a hoarse voice weakly cried out, fingers gently running through Colbys hair. "Colby?"

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me, an officer called me and said you were in a car crash."

Colbys instant reaction was to cry, almost lose the blood circulation in his hand as he gripped Sams and hug him, hug him like the world depended on it.

"A semi crashed into the side of the car, completely wrote the car off, it's gonna cost so much money!" Sam groaned as he winced, grabbing his side. "How hurt am I?"

Colby reached over and grabbed the injuries clipboard.

"You have a broken rib, several internal bruising patterns, broken toes and like a shit ton of missing blood." Colbys heart broke as he read, he hated Sam in pain and now he couldn't help him. The thought made him want to cry, even harder, into the emptiness and just crumble away.

"It's not your fault colbs, stop crying." Sam laughed-groaned out quietly as the heart monitor increased. "It was that stupid semis."

Colby laughed through the tears as they fell, kissing Sams hand repeatedly, leaning up and placing a soft kiss on his lips, they stayed like that for a while.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Colby kissed his whole face, determined not to let him go anytime soon.

By the time nightfall had arrived, they were both passed out on the bed, the nurses came in with the intent to kick him out but once they saw the sight, Colby with his head wedged into Sams neck and Sams arms wrapped around him securely, they decided against it.

They said it was because it reminded them of home, family, love. They missed that, so why should Colby have to leave when his best friend, the love of his life was in pain.

He didn't and he wouldn't, ever.

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