"That song."

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As the kids ran around the big, open country side, Colby sat back and watched with a small, safe smile on his face. The radio was cranked up all the way in the old truck, which was parked to the side of the cabin.

"Honey, can you help with the groceries?" A females voice rang out through the emptiness, he tore his eyes away from the kids before standing up and joining his wife with them.

"How are you love?"

"It was busy, it's always busy." He simply nodded and unpacked the cold things, placing them in their spots before closing the fridge/freezer and putting the bags away.


"Well don't let him touch it."

"Okay daddy." His son smiled toothlessly up at him as he ran back to his twin brother, a small hand placed itself on his shoulder as he watched them giggle and run around. Everything was calm, silent as they watched and then a song started playing that made him run to the truck and turn it all off, his heart beating out of his chest and a single tear stuck in his eye.


"I'm fine.."

He closed his eyes and held the keys tighter to his chest as he tried to get the song out of his head, it's been so long since he'd heard it.

"Why do you always stop that song?"

"Because if I listen to it, then it will only remind me of the beautiful memories that it held." He spoke with a fragile mind.

"So?" She laughed. "Isn't that a good thing?"

He shook his head. "Not when those beautiful memories are something I can't get back."

Staring down at his keys, a small picture of him and Sam smiling made him cover his mouth with his hand. His best friend, Sam, the man who dove in front of a car to stop Colby from getting hit, the man who risked his life to stop a drunk driver from killing him but ended up killing him self instead.

"You can go back inside love, I'll meet you there."

He heard the crunching of gravel before he let out a sob, clutching the small picture to his chest, he tried to stop the tears but he just couldn't. Sam had risked his life to save Colbys and had died for it, Colby hasn't forgiven himself.. he will never forgive himself for that.

"I miss you Sam.."

"I miss you too Colbs.."

Wiping his eyes, he placed the keys gently on the dash before hopping out of the truck and going back inside to his wife and kids..

Forgetting about that song

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