Damned fate

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Summary: One day, whether you are 14. 28, or 65 you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die.
However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find, is they are not always with whom we spend our lives.

It arrived in the mail, slipping through the door and landing on the rug. His hands would shakily open it, heart hammering in his chest, sadness lingering.

Dear Colby,

We invite you to celebrate Samuel Golbach and Katrina Stuart in celebrating their love together by becoming one.

Please RSVP (ps I know you'll be there colbs)

The letter would be thrown straight in the trash, why? He couldn't deal with the longing he felt for that boy, the want and desperation pouring out of him.
He couldn't do anything though, he wouldn't do anything,
Sam was happy and in love and that's all he could ever have asked for.

So he bought a suit, called Sam and told him he'd be there and turned up. His suit was tight and sleek as he entered the church, it was gorgeous, he had to admit, Katrina did have good taste.
Taking a deep breathe, he walked further inside and saw both families laughing and chatting away. Ms Golbach saw Colby and smiled at him, standing up and giggling as she ran over and embraced him in the biggest bear hug he's ever had.

"I know how much Sam means to you, I know how badly you wish it was you.." her tone was sincere and sore but he smiled and nodded as she rubbed him arm and went back to the stuarts.
Colby took his seat at the front and waited, wiping the stray tear that had fallen, away.

"Hey! Can you believe it man, Sams getting married." Corey laughed beside him as Colby just stared at the groom on the stage, he couldn't bring himself to talk, he couldn't even function.
As the music began, he silently thanked it, he was beginning to think he couldn't do this.

"Kat, I've loved you since I first met you and I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else."

"Sam you've been the light of my life in the short time we've known each other, I'm so glad I met you and fell in love, it's truly been the best thing ever."

Colby felt his heart break as he started to cry softly, lips wobbling and chest heaving slightly. He watched as sam smiled at her with sincere love and adoration, he wanted it, so bad.

"Do you Samuel Golbach take Katrina Stuart to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you Katrina Stuart take Samuel Golbach to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do!"

"You may now kiss the bride."

Colby looked down, he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear the sight of the love of his life devoting themselves to another person.
The crowd went wild as they made their way outside, Colby was still in the isle when everyone else had left, he only raised his head when he was sure nobody was left.

He sat there, sobbing as he heard the cheers and screaming from outside, he knew Sam was happy and he knew they were meant to be.


"Uh sorry yea." Wiping his eyes quickly, Elton was at the front of the isle, eyes concerned.

"You okay man?"

"Y-yea I'm fine."

"You don't look it." Sitting down in the seat beside him, Colby tried to stay brave, he tried to keep a straight face, he really did. But as soon as Elton had slung his arm around his shoulder, he was gone, sobbing into his hands.

"What's going on?"

"I'm in love with him.."

The church was silent, Elton simply pulled him closer to him and let him sob, he knew heartbreak, it wasn't nice.

The ceremony was worse, he had to give a speech, in front of everyone. Elton had asked if he wanted to back out but he said he'd do it, he had to.

"Can I have everyone's attention?" He tapped the glass several times as everyone settled down.

"I'd like to make a toast, and give a little speech."

Sams eyes shone with happiness as Colby was given a microphone, the arm around Kats waist made him almost drop to the floor, he hated being vulnerable.

"Uh.. this is to the bride and groom. Now I've known Sam for a long time and I swear I've never seen this man happier with anyone else then he is with Katrina."

The crowd clapped and laughed as Kat blushed and put her head in her hands.

"Falling for a person isn't a process. You can't plan for it in advance or anticipate it's arrival. Love strikes in simple moments. Anywhere, anytime. One day you catch a glimpse of them gardening in the sun or singing tunelessly in the shower and you think to yourself, oh, I could spend my life with that person."

Everyone was silent in the room as smiles formed on everyone's face, relishing in the atmosphere.

"I think some people are just inexplicably bonded. Drawn by forces beyond their own comprehension, they have no choice but to gravitate toward one another. Destined by fate to keep crossing paths until they finally get it right and Sam you definitely got it right with this one."

He tried to keep it lighthearted as everyone laughed, except Sam, he was struggling not to cry, Colby had no idea why though.

"Maybe love isn't what we've been told. Maybe it's not all romance or attraction. maybe love is a friend -" he points to Kat who smiles and nods "- someone who understands you. someone who will be there for you... even at your worst. I'm almost done I swear, give me a second Gill."

The crowd laughed hard as Gill nodded and smiled at him cheekily.

"It's scary to find someone that makes you happy. You start giving them all your attention because they're what makes you forget everything bad that's going on in your life. They're the first person you want to talk to in the morning and the last one before you go to sleep just so you can start and end your day with them. It all sounds great to have that someone, but it's scary to think about how easily they could just leave and take that happiness away too when they go."

The crowd stilled as Sams face was drenched in tears, Kat was looking at him worried as his hand retracted from her back.

"Guess that's good that Sam and Katrina found each other than. Two perfect people, spending the rest of their lives together in perfect harmony and peace. To the bride and groom."

"To the bride and groom."

As the crowd clapped, Colby handed back the microphone and sat down, he felt Sams eyes on him but he ignored it. He didn't want to be here, that speech made him feel worse, he just needed to go, anywhere but here.

"I'm gonna go I think." He muttered to Elton who just nodded and hugged him, pushing his chair back in, he grabbed his keys and his coat.

"Hey! Where are you going."

Sam was behind him, oh god, Sam was behind him.

"I'm leaving."

Turning around, he placed the most perfect smile on his face as he saw the look on Sams face.

"How come?"

"Early morning tomorrow, meeting the CEO and stuff." Sam nodded and Colby smiled tight lipped as someone knocked something over in the room, Sam turned to look and when he turned back, Colby was gone.

He looked for him, couldn't even find his car
he would ask Elton about it later .

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