"Struggles turn to freedom."

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Summary: Sams family always fought and it made Sam feel unloved that is until colby comes around and makes him feel wanted even though it may not be as it seems.

"Nancy! I'm sick of this, your always fucking out of the house and not home." Sam muttered things under his breathe as his head was cradled in between the pillow and the bed.

"It's not my fault, I'm getting us money! I'm the one earning shit around here." Something smashed downstairs and Sam almost went to check but thought not to in case he gets hurt, like last time.

"It's your sons fault, if we didn't have that fuck face we wouldn't be living like this Nancy!" That was the last straw for Sam, who had gotten up, changed his pants and grabbed his phone. Opening his window, he crawled out of it and into the garden bed below, before sprinting down the driveway.

"Sam? Sam!" Colbys voice rang through the air as he gave himself whip lash looking, his eyes swelled up as he saw the concerned look on his face. "I heard them yelling, I was going to come ov-" Sam stopped him by forcing them into a hug, sobbing into Colbys shoulder as he did. A loving hand stroked his back as he calmed down slightly, still gripping onto Colby like the world depended on it. Because in this moment, Colby was the world to him.

"What if this is what it's gonna be like for the rest of my life? Fight after fight barely getting any room to recover. What if I'm gonna have to for the rest of my life act stronger than I am?" Colby cooed him as he made Sam look at him.

"Hey, I won't let that happen, I won't let any harm come to you again." Colbys heart broke slightly as his best friend smiled sadly at him with tears running down his cheeks and chest heaving.

"I don't wanna go home anymore." As they stood there, Colby nodded and grabbed his hand, walking up the driveway and into his house. "Hi Mrs Brock." He smiled politely at her as she gave him a sympathetic smile and waved back.

Walking up the stairs, Colbys hand tightened on his almost instinctively. "Lay down and don't you dare move, I'll go over to yours, Sneak back into your room and get your stuff." Colby kissed his forehead gently as Sam nodded, they did that normally even though they're not dating.

"Thank you colbs."

"Anything for you Sam, you know that." And then he was gone, Sam was alone in his room, sat on his bed and feeling helplessly tired, so when his head hit the pillow he was out cold, loving how peaceful it was in this side of the world.

10 minutes later, colby had come back into the room, Sam was dead asleep and covered in his blankets, head stuffed into the pillow. Colby smiled as he walked over, setting the bag down and pushing Sams stray hairs to the back of his ear, loving how peaceful he looked when he was safe.

"Hey Colby-"

"Shh he's asleep." He whispered as his mom entered the room, she smiled and nodded, gesturing for him to come outside he kissed Sams forehead slightly before following her, closing the door behind him.

"I know it's not my place, but me and your father both think it'd be alright. He can stay here as long as he pleases, he can live here for as long as he wants, I'll help pay for things because I know his family never gave him anything, he means to much to you and we love him like a son anyway."

Colby pulled her into a massive hug and thanked her repeatedly as she laughed warmly, ruffling her sons hair, she walked back downstairs and Colby heard the faint kitchen music playing as she cooked breakfast.

Opening his door back up, Sam was sitting on the bed face in hands and shaking slightly. "Hey, hey Sam?" Sliding down next to him, his arm went around his shoulder instinctively and held him protectively.

"I don't wanna go home, I can't, it makes me want to scream."

Colby shushed him and rubbed his back a little before whispering to him as the curtains ruffled slightly.

"Mom said you can live here if you please, she knows how bad they are. It's up to you, it's all up to you." Sams head lifted and if Colby could kiss him, he would've then and there, so he did. My thoughts were destroying me, I tried not to think but the silence and unmoving was a big factor to, so my lips came off Sams.

"Colby?" The look in his eyes made me curl up and want to die, he looked hurt.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean, no I did mean to do that but only if you wanted to and you obviously didn't an-"

"Are you trying to hurt me?" Sam asked quietly as he lowered his head, looking at the closed curtains.

"No, I would never hurt you, I love you to much to hurt you."

Colby turned his head around slightly and Sams eyes shot to his lips and stayed there for a little while. Colby leant closer and watched Sams movement cautiously, making sure he wasn't doing anything wrong again.

"Tell me to stop and I will." When Sam didn't say anything, Colby surged forward and connected their lips, Sam inhaled deeply and kissed back, it was quick and Colby had pulled away.

"I'm sorry are you sur-"

Sam smiled and placed his hands on either side of Colbys face before kissing him, Colby sighed out in relief as he kissed Sam, this kiss made them both aware of how vulnerable they were being, but they didn't care.

Colbys hands had made their way underneath Sams shirt and were tracing small shapes on his spine, Sams hands were tucked into Colbys hair, tugging it lightly, wanting to be closer to him.

As they pulled away a couple moments later, they're foreheads stayed pressed together as they panted, smiling at each other and Sams hands outlining all of Colbys features, Colby loved that about Sam always careful with detail and memory.

"I love you." His voice came out hoarse as Colby stared at him in awe, Sam didn't know what courage happened all of a sudden, he just said it and he didn't regret it. "Your the reason my struggles turned into freedom." Colbys heart tingled at that statement and he smiled, kissing his nose appreciatively.

"I love you. Because your my sun, you keep me warm and safe for all eternity and I couldn't be more grateful for your warmth and love." Colby spoke gently as his eyes drifted across Sams face.

"I'll live with you."

Colby giggled and wrapped his arms around Sams waist pulling them down onto the bed, loving how Sams laughter made his body vibrate happy.

"We will go down soon, let's just lay here for the moment."

So they did, for about three hours until his mom came in with a camera and took a photo before saying breakfast was ready and they both got up, hand and hand and walked downstairs.

His mom was the most supportive, she laughed and embraced him in the biggest hug ever, kissing the side of his head lovingly and rubbing his back. His dad shook his hand and smiled gratefully at him. Only when he was alone with his dad did he say something that made Sam fall even more in love with him.

"You were the reason everything fell into line for that boy, I can't thank you enough for that."

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