"Coreys awardshow."

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Summary: Corey got nominated for an award and the group went with him to the arena.

"OH MY GOD! GUYS I GOT NOMINATED!" Coreys shouts echoed through the loud house as the front door slammed. An out of breathe brunette ran through the house waving the little envelope in his hands, bandana almost falling off.

"What?" Elton asked confused as he paused rocket league. Colby and Sam had made their way downstairs at the noise and were standing at the bottom of the steps.

"I got nominated, for a fucking award!" He shouted, running around kissing the little envelope over and over again. "For what? Your song!" Jake pipped up from the bean bag chair, Corey nodded his head and jumped around some more.

"Holy shit dude that's amazing!" Elton clapped as he bro hugged Corey supportively as they jumped around the living room. Sam and Colby hugging him soon after.

"You guys are coming obviously!" He explained, eyes wide with excitement.

"I've got something that night."

"Same, I'm going to the movies!"

The room went silent as coreys mouth dropped to the floor, it only took a couple seconds before Elton burst out laughing, slapping his knee and coughing.

"You should've seen your face! Of course we will be there."

Coreys face went angry in .5 seconds as he charged after Elton, shouting profanities at the top of his lungs as Elton squealed, the sound of water splashing made their heads turn. Corey was in the pool, arms around Elton strangling him playfully, both side smiles on each other's faces.

"I give you $20 they will be together by the nights end." Jake wiggled his finger in the air as proof. "Your on, $30 it's after his award show speech!" Jake rolled his eyes and nodded, they shook hands.


"Okay, I'm going to get my cue cards and my tie from my manager backstage, you guys go find our table and order a couple drinks okay?" Corey yelled over the music as they all nodded and went their seperate ways. Elton and Jake went to get drinks, Sam and Colby to find the table.

"Everyone is so fancy in here." Sam whispered to him loudly as they walked past several celebrities and big hotshots of Hollywood, everyone laughing or drinking. "Yea."

Making their way to the table, they sat down and waited for the boys to come back with the drinks. Corey was the first to come back, his tie a deep purple with three stars at the bottom, he seemed nervous but ready.

"Okay we ordered two scotches for Jake and Corey, I got a vodka margarita for Sam, Colby got a tequila neat and Sam a regular beer."

Jake slid into the chair as Elton explained the menu, Colby looked over at Corey who was smiling fondly at the scruffy man above him, tenderness filling his eyes. Jake kicked him under the table and smirked at him, Colby simply flipped him off.

"I seem to be winning."

"You wish."

"Good evening and welcome to the thirty first annual music awards ceremony! I am Kevin hart and I will be your moderator thing person tonight, alongside the lovely Clarence Point and my personal favourite Jasmine Authors."

The crowd cheered, several wolf whistles rang out over the lot, Jake was of course doing them.

"Okay now.. let's begin the awards."


The boys were patiently waiting for Coreys nomination section as they chatted amongst themselves, taking quick sips of their drinks as not to get to excited and down the whole lot.

"Our next category is a new one, the rap/pop award. Our nominees are Darel Leen, Corey Scherer, Lucas Downsmith and Dean Hels.."

Corey took a deep breathe as Elton squeezed his shoulder in support.

"The winner is.. COREY SCHERER!"

The boys broke out into cheers and screaming as the red faced boy hugged Elton before making his way up to the stage. Taking the award gently, it was obvious the lad was shaking. Kevin hart clapped him on the back as the crowd cheered, Corey smiled out over everyone and stepped up to the microphone.

"This is my first time getting an award seeing as this is my first ever album.. so I just want to say a big thank you to my fans for being such supportive individuals and helping me along the way, never giving up on me and supporting me through this journey. My family of course, they're amazing, my mates at table 8, couldn't have done it without you chaotic bunch of twits, so thank you.. there's also someone else I wanted to thank but he won't like the spotlight so I won't do that to him, thank you so much.. have a good night."

As he hugged Adele and Kevin hart, he made his way off stage rather quickly and took a deep breathe as he made his way back to the ecstatic group. Placing the trophy down on the table, he turned to Elton, steadied himself and then kissed him, smack bang in the middle of the award show.

The boys of course could not be quiet and were slapping each other's shoulders, Jake pretended he had a camera and was taking snapshots, wiping away the fake tears.

"$30 pay up."

Jake groaned and put his invisible camera down on the table before handing him the cash.

"Cha Ching."

Elton laughed as Corey sat down beside him, hands interlocked and red cheeks on both of them.

"I'm guessing he was the one who didn't want the spotlight!" Sam chuckled at the tomatoed couple.


"Called it."

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