2 | hello sunshine

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gus had been returning to the same gazebo each morning that week, hoping he'd once again find ava there. he also stopped for coffee at her store, but he must have just been missing her shifts. eventually he would learn that she only goes to the pond on sunday and only works in the afternoon.

ava hoped gus came back to get coffee from her each shift this week, he didn't thought. maybe he was avoiding her now. ava wondered if gus had a job, he never seemed to be in a rush anywhere when she saw him. maybe he just had a chill job that he liked, that would be nice.

gus sort of had a job, if you'd consider rapping on soundcloud a job. music was his passion, he wanted to blow up and die a legend. gus made music under the name 'lil peep', he had about 100,000 listeners which was pretty good.

right now ava was turning out various coffees to customers, and gus was sat in the gazebo by the pond writing lyrics. ava wasn't there, but it felt like she was. the space energy of the space was similar to ava, calming, peaceful, charming and beautiful. gus thought she seemed like a ghost girl because of how strongly her presence stayed around. he could not forget her face.

it was a miserable saturday afternoon, ava watched the droplets of rain trickle down the window of her store and small, shallow puddles form in the dents of the sidewalk. the rain was loud, banging against the steel roof. it muffled the music playing softly throughout the shop. it was four o clock now, she had two hours left until the evening staff came in. she wasn't a fan of the rain but the plants need it and it makes the ducks so happy, so it was okay.

work wasn't busy as she sat watching the rainstorm outside, she still watched the raindrops "race" down the window as she did as a child. a tuft of pink caught her eye from outside, it stood out against the grayscale environment outside.

gus glanced in the window, he decided to return to her store once again, just to check. even during a storm. gus and ava noticed each other at the same time through the plane of glass. gus smiled ear to ear at her finally being inside. gus ordered his usual iced latte. ava got started making it. she added whip cream and chocolate drizzle, just because.

"i've been back everyday, i seem to keep missing you though" gus said, taking his coffee. "ooh all the bells and whistles" he said, noticing ava's extra touches. ava smiled as he admired the drink, she thought it was adorable. "i only work afternoons" she informed him, "i'll keep that in mind", he winked. someone else came to the cash and placed an order. "i'll let you get back to work" he told her, "see you later" she gave him a little wave.

gus had only noticed when he returned to his car that ava had written 'hello sunshine :)' under his name on the cup. it was adorable, even if it was pouring rain. she was the sunshine. gus took a picture of the cup and drove home. once he got home he actually washed out the cup and placed it on his windowsill. it was now a weird sentimental attachment to him.

gus had finished a new song today. he called it ghost girl. it was loosely inspired by ava, as well as other thing, and stuff he just thought sounded good.

soon enough gus would no longer be all alone in a lonely world. big things were coming for him he just didn't know it yet. as well as ava.

tomorrow was sunday, maybe he would be lucky enough to see her again. he wanted to ask her to hang out for real, not just coincidentally running into each other. he was unsure if she would actually like him, she had an innocence to her that gus had never experienced.

ava finished her shift, she sat at home thinking about gus. there was a depth to him, and his personality that she would love to learn more about.

hellboy and ghost girl


sorry if there's typos or shit that doesn't make sense i wrote this with one hand while eating a cupcake on my lunch break.

chapter question :)
what's your favourite peep album? mines hellboy

vacancy screams from my bedroom door | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now