3 | i'm gonna be a rockstar

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sunday rolled around once again. it was sunny but the ground was still damp from yesterday's storm. ava stood in her usual spot to feed the animals and collect flowers. she wore a pink silk slip dress and white running shoes. there was still a lingering smell of rain in the air. 

ava turned her head at every noise, hoping that it was gus coming back. so far it had only been animals in the grass. she wished that she had his phone number, or something. so she could just talk to him. she'd ask for it next time she saw him, assuming there would be a next time.

a twig cracked in the surrounding forest, capturing ava's attention. gus' pink hair was so bright he might as well have fireworks going off above him, that's always how ava knew it was him.

"gus!" she said excitedly, standing up to walk towards him. "i thought i could find you here" he said. "can i have your number or something? so we don't have to keep hoping to bump into each other?" she asked. "sure thing" he told her. he passed her his phone with 'aves' already typed on the name line. that made her smile. she typed in her number and handed the phone back. her phone dinged a second later.

unknown number

"i'll text you later" she told him, "you better" he said with a light hearted but threatening tone.

gus looked at the girl standing in front of him, he hadn't been this close to her before. the natural light accentuated her features, he noticed that she had some light freckles over her nose and cheeks, and long fluttery eyelashes.

gus felt nervous around her, he didn't want to mess anything up. his stomach felt full of butterflies. "do you wanna hang out with me? like today? after this? if you're not working of course" gus stumbled through his sentence. "it just so happens that i'm not working today, and i was hoping you'd ask" ava smiled, accepting his invite to hang out.

"do you wanna come back to my place? i want to show you my music" gus asked her hopefully. "your music?" ava asked confused, she didn't know he made music. "yeah, it's like my passion but also my job. it's already starting to work out for me" gus explained. that answered ava's question of what he did for work. "i'd love to" she said, eager to learn more about the mysterious boy.

gus let ava finish her usual activities, admiring every move she made. gus lit a cigarette, taking a long drag off of it. ava turned to look at him, "don't worry, i won't set the plants on fire" he said, remembering her concerns from last time. "those things will kill you ya know" she told him, "i know" he said, knowing that's not the worst thing he puts in his body.

"i walked here so i hope you're okay to walk back? it's only about 10 minutes" gus told her, second guessing his mode of transportation. "that's okay, i walked here too!" ava smiled, she stopped walking beside him and turned around to face him as she walked backwards. "i walk most places, i like it better" she told him. "i only really come here and to work, so not much use driving if it's only a 15 minute walk" she explained.

ava's heel got caught on a branch while she was walking backwards talking to gus. she only started to fall backwards, gus lunged forwards catching her with just his arm around her waist before she fell. the two of them locked eyes for a moment, while he held her. ava regained her balance and stood up on her own. "thank you" she told him. "guess you could say i'm falling for you" ava joked, but also being partially serious. gus was surprised by her statement, he didn't think she felt the same. "guess you could" he replied.

the pair had walked for about 5 minutes on the normal sidewalk, half way to gus' apartment. a cool breeze blew past them, goosebumps spread across ava's arms and chest. gus took off his heavy black denim jacket that was covered in patches and placed it over her shoulders "you're cold" he noticed. ava slipped her arms into the sleeves that came well past her fingers "thanks" she leaned closer to him, embracing the warmth.

gus took the opportunity to slip his hand into hers. their fingers intertwined together, making a pattern of his chipped black nail polish and her pristine baby pink acrylics. their hands fit perfectly together. gus rubbed his thumb over her hand while they walked. he couldn't mess it up with this girl.

they arrived back at gus' apartment, he tried his best to tidy the place up just incase ava came over. good thing he did. they kicked their shoes off at the door and gus led her back to his bedroom. "this is what i wanted to show you" he said, opening his laptop. he didn't tell her she was the inspiration. ava watched him open soundcloud, she read 'lil peep' on his screen "lil peep?" she asked. "yeah that's like my other name" he told her. "i like it" ava told him.

gus started playing the new song 'ghost girl', ava was quietly and listened intently. gus had a beautiful voice. she liked the song, she thought he was very talented.  gus had 120,000 listeners now. the love for him and his music grew day by day. the music cut off after about 2 and a half minutes, "i really like it, you're talented" ava told him. her opinion was the only one that mattered to him right now. "thanks, ima be a rockstar soon" he said confidently. "you are" she agreed.

gus pulled ava onto his lap in the office chair he was sitting in, "you can be my muse" he told her, but she already was. ava paused to look at him, before she could get a word in gus pressed his lips softly against hers, holding her lower back under his jacket that she still had on. ava kissed him back, placing her hand on the back of his neck.

"stay?" he asked, "i'll take you home whenever you need" he added, "okay" she agreed.


gus b like palms are sweaty knees weak arms heavy moms spaghetti

chapter question: what's a bad habit you have? mine are driving with my knees and carrying a single loose debit card instead of a wallet or purse

vacancy screams from my bedroom door | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now