15 | i love you, my rose, my one in a million

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gus had made a full recovery with ava by his side the whole time. after his overdose gus agreed to a six week inpatient detox/rehab where he would stay in the facility the full 42 days.

he didn't want to leave ava, but they both knew this is what was best for him. "just a little longer" ava said, gripping onto gus' arm as he tried to get out of bed. today was the morning he left for rehab.

"i gotta go get better babe, for real this time. i'm gonna get better, be better" gus told ava, "i know, i want you to, i'm just gonna miss you" ava told him. "i'm gonna miss you more" gus told her.

ava got up to make gus breakfast with all his favourite foods, he probably wouldn't have a good home cooked meal for a while. ava was happy this was happening, it would be good for him. the best choice.

"thanks for breakfast babe" gus said, cramming his mouth full of food. "woah, chew" ava said, "we still have 2 hours".

"are you ready for this?" ava asked gus, "yes. i wanna get better" gus said. his attitude had changed, he wanted to get better for real this time. the overdose scared him, he didn't wanna put himself or ava through that ever again.

ava and gus happily chatted in the car, talking about things they would do when gus was clean. they were gonna go on a vacation, get a dog maybe, gus was gonna finish his album, maybe tour for it if he was comfortable and could have a healthy environment to tour in this time. gus didn't tell ava, but he had added getting married to that list. that was always his end goal.

"i got something for you, before i go" gus told her, i left in on our bed for when you get home. "babe you're recovery is all i want" ava told him. "well i got you something and you have to keep it" gus told her, "you didn't have to but thank you, i love you" ava told him. she had no idea what he got her.

ava held gus' hand while they walked to the doors of the building. "you've got this my love, i'm so proud of you and i'm happy for you" ava told him, "i'm gonna do it" gus said "yeah you are", ava loved his enthusiasm.

ava and gus took a moment before he was taken into treatment. she hugged him for a long time, taking in his scent for the last time in a while. gus ram a hand through ava's hair while he hugged her, "i'll miss you" he said "but i'll see you soon".

gus and ava shared their final kiss, "i love you" gus said, "i love you too". a nurse took gus off down the hallway with his bags. this was only 6 weeks that would start the next steps of their lives. ava wanted to talk to gus about getting a bigger apartment when he was out, something more livable and less single bachelor.

ava cried a little on the way home, happy and sad tears. she was so happy for him, and so happy he was getting better. she looked forward to the rest of their days to come. however, she would miss him more than words can speak. maybe he wouldn't have to be there doing this if she had done something differently.

ava arrived home, gus had left a box on the bed. it was wrapped in light pink paper with silver ribbon and bows on it, her favourite colours. she carefully unwrapped the box, curious as to what was inside. inside the large box was a smaller jewelry box, it had the chanel logo on it. ava already was thinking this was too much. she opened the box slowly, there was a notecard inside. gus had left a message in his sloppy barely legible handwriting.


i was gonna get you flowers before i left but i figured they would die, so i got you this instead so you can have it forever.

i love you, my rose, my one in a million


under the paper was a white gold and diamond necklace with a rose pendant on it. roses were ava's favourite flower. ava clasped the necklace around her neck, she loved it. it was beautiful and she could tell gus had put thought into it. gus spoiled her rotten, she tried to stop him but he never let her. she deserved it.

i know you can't have your phone but just incase, thank you for the necklace. it's beautiful and i love you and you didn't have to do that. love you!

you got this!

i miss you already

ava felt weird being alone again in the apartment, but gus was gone for a good reason this time. ava tried to keep busy, she had dishes and laundry to do and random cleaning tasks to complete. gus could be a little messy at times, well very messy.

through all of his flaws and even through his addiction, gus was ava's best friend. she wouldn't trade a single moment with him for the world. it was a special and wonderful thing to find your best friend and soulmate all in one perfect person.

they were brought together by such random chance, but the world had a plan for them. they made it this far and through so many ups and downs, there was nothing that could ever come between him.


i'm writing this while you're away, it's only been a few hours and i miss you like crazy.

i never thought soulmates were a thing until i met you, i knew the second i met you that it wouldn't be the last time. your love is intoxicating and it makes me feel something i've never felt before.

every day i spend with you is a gift, i love you more than i could ever say. i need you. i hope our love will be everlasting, i want to spend the rest of my life with you.

i hope you're getting better, i hope you're healthy. you deserve recovery. i'll see you soon. when you find this, know that i love you and i'm thinking of you. i'm always thinking of you.

gustav elijah åhr, i love you


ava tucked the letter away into the drawer beside his side of the bed, he'd find it one day.

aight last chapter fo the day. i'm going to bed pce out

thank u for all the love on this book, what do u guys think now? thoughts on plot and characters? do u like how they're changing?

chapter question: what show are u watching rn? i'm currently watching hannibal,  it's okay but i'm getting knock off criminal minds vibes in a way

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