21 | his girlfriend?

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the come over when you're sober tour had been a huge success so far, there was only 7 shows left on it now. gus had remained happily sober with the support of his friends.

gus came off stage, greeting ava like usual. "i'm just running to the bathroom babe" he told her, "alright" ava said. gus found his way through the winding halls of the venue, looking for a bathroom. "gus" a female voice said from the hall, it was very familiar. gus turned around to see the source of the voice, "jada, what the hell are you doing here?" gus asked his ex girlfriend, who was now standing in front of him.

"i heard you were gonna be here, congrats on the whole music thing by the way. peep." she said, gus couldn't tell if she was trying to be flirty or threatening. "um thanks? can i help you?" gus asked, not trying to entertain whatever antics she was bringing. "i miss you" jada told him, "that's nice?" gus said, still very confused as to what she was trying to do. "well i have places to be, leave me alone" gus said trying to walk past her. jada put her hand on his chest to stop him, "not so fast, i miss you, would you think about getting back together again?" jada asked him, giving him a flirty smile.

gus had been gone for a while to 'go to the bathroom' ava thought. she got a little worried so she went to go look for him to make sure he wasn't lost or doing something dumb. ava walked through a few halls and recognized his voice in the halls even though it was distant mumbles, she couldn't tell who he was talking to. ava turned a corner and found gus talking to some girl with black hair dressed in a tiny dress with her tits hanging out. "oh there you are" ava said, trying to assess the situation "hey" gus said to ava. "i was just talking to peep here about getting back together, but i guess you have somewhere important to be on stage?" jada asked placing her hand back on gus' chest, then gesturing to ava. "excuse me?" ava asked, giving gus a cold glare "who are you?" jada asked, "his girlfriend" ava said assertively, removing jada's hand from gus. "you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend gus" jada said, making it seem like he started the interaction. "i was just about to" gus said, placing his arm around ava.

"yeah and we've got to get going" ava said, yanking gus away from the girl and taking him back down the hall. "care to explain what the fuck that was?" ava asked, visibly pissed off now. "babe it was nothing, she somehow found me here and cornered me in the hall. i was trying to get away, she's just crazy and a home wrecker don't worry about it" gus said, trying to explain his innocence to ava.

"mhm, and what's this about getting back together?" ava asked, not sold on his story. "babe i told you, she's literally just a home wrecker. i hardly spoke a word to her just now" gus said, he needed her to believe him. "aves i only love you, nothing would be worth losing you for. i promise" gus told her. "okay" ava said, choosing to believe him, but she was still a little mad at what had just happened. "but you didn't think to tell her you had a girlfriend?" ava asked, "i was literally about to say it before you showed up"
gus promised her. gus and ava entered back into the room with everyone, i guess it was easy to tell something had happened because smoke immediately came to talk to them "what's wrong guys?" he asked, "jada is here" gus said. smoke nodded, easily guessing what had just happened. "aves don't worry about her, they broke up a long time ago and she's just crazy. she's got nothing on you and gus loves you more than anything i promise." smoke reassured her, ava felt better after being reassured by smoke who didn't even know what happened.

"do you forgive me?" gus asked, looking down to ava "yes" she sighed, she felt bad for acting a little crazy there herself. gus gave her a quick kiss before they went to join the rest of the group. gus kept ava close the rest of the night, unsure if jada would re appear to create more havoc for them.

luckily jada backed off, and they didn't see anymore of her. gus and ava stood outside the venue, everyone had left now. the mood was bright tonight, lighting up their faces just enough to see each other. "i haven't really checked in with you recently, are you happy? you're okay with this tour so far?" gus asked ava, "yeah i'm enjoying myself, it's nice to actually spend time with you on it" ava told him. the dynamic of this tour was much more enjoyable and she had tons of fun with gus, audrey and the guys.

"i love you so much aves, i'm gonna marry you someday you know" gus told her, "you are?" ava asked, they'd never really discussed this before. "yeah, do you not want to?" gus asked her, she didn't seem to have much of a reaction to what he said. ava smiled and took his hands "of course i do" she said. ava couldn't imagine her life without gus, and she certainly couldn't imagine it with someone else.

gus never thought he would find his soulmate, and for it to be someone like ava. he thought he was too fucked up and too broken to be loved. however, here he is sober and happy. ava picked up all his broken pieces and put him back together again. gus couldn't wait to be with her for the rest of their lives, he wouldn't have it any other way.


probably like 2 chapters left of this book? can maybe do 3-4 if u guys rlly want it

chapter question: what's your favourite season? i like spring and fall

vacancy screams from my bedroom door | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now