13 | watermelon?

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ava and gus had found a rehab and detox centre they thought would be a good fit for gus. he would go once a week for a group meeting, once a week for a private session and once a week for a medical detox. he had been through two weeks of the program already and was doing okay. gus dealt with a lot of withdrawal symptoms, it hadn't been easy at all. it was actually the most difficult thing he had ever done. ava was by his side through all of the sweating, chills, puking, body pain, tremors, heart palpitations, foggy memory, restlessness, insomnia and mood swings that he was getting as a result of detox withdrawals. 

ava sat with him through detox sessions but wasn't allowed to be there for anything else. "i feel like hell" gus said, sweating and shivering at the same time. "it'll pass love" ava told him, rubbing his back. "it's not fucking passing" gus grumbled. "sorry" he said, realizing his tone. gus was very irritated and easily agitated but it wasn't his fault and she understood. gus was basically falling asleep in the chair now, he'd spent most of last night throwing up and not being able to sleep anyways. withdrawals weren't a pretty sight. 

gus finished up his treatment and ava drove them home. she basically lived at gus' full time now only occasionally popping back into her own apartment.  "have the counselling sessions been helping?" ava asked him, "yeah actually, i prefer group to private. it's nice to not feel so alone with your issues" gus explained. "i'm so happy it's helping. you deserve recovery" ava told him. "thank you for staying with me through this, being there for me. i love you" gus told her. "it'd never be any other way. love you too" she told him. 

"how are you feeling now?" ava asked, "cold, and shaky" he told her. "do you need anything?" ava asked him, "do we have water in here?" gus asked, " backseat somewhere" ava told him.  gus was really struggling today, the scenery blurring past him through the car windows making him more nauseous than he already was. "we'll be home soon my love" ava told him, noticing his obvious discomfort. 

"do you wanna try and sleep?" ava asked once they arrived home, "yeah" gus told her. "okay, if you can get settled i'll try and do some cleaning and go grab some groceries and stuff. will you be okay on your own for a bit?" ava asked, "i should be fine" gus said, not wanting to burden her anymore. gus did end up falling asleep not too long after he hit the pillow. 

be back soon

call me if you need anything or want anything

love you xo


ava left a note, just incase he woke up while she was gone. she stocked up on their regular grocery list and grabbed a couple extra sweet drinks and candy as gus had been craving anything sugary lately. he had actually started to eat more, and more regularly and had gained a couple pounds back. ava thought he was looking slightly healthier day by day, even through the vicious symptoms. 

ava had been out for about two hours when she was finishing at the last store. 


i miss you

hurry up


almost done 


can u get watermelon?




yes pls



that was a new request, but whatever he wanted. 

ava got home and gus was asleep on the couch now, she left him in the bedroom but it's good he was up and doing stuff a little. she unpacked the groceries and put away clean laundry while he was sleeping again. 


how's gus?


having a bit of a rough go the last two days, he's getting some sleep in now


let me know if y'all need anything

the guys had been checking in with her from time to time to check on gus which was super sweet of them, he was so lucky to have so many people that loved him and wanted to help him. 

gus stirred on the couch, starting to wake up. "how ya feeling bub?" ava asked. "a little better actually" gus told her. "happy to hear that, do you want anything to eat?" ava asked him "yeah i actually am a little hungry" gus said. ava made him up a plate for lunch, "thank you, you don't have to be doing all of this for me" gus told her, "it's okay, i just wanna make this as easy for you as possible" she told him. 

gus spent some time at his computer working on some new music, ava was happy to see him happy and doing what he loved again. ava assumed gus was probably irritated with her asking if he needed anything every 5 minutes but she really just wanted to make the next few weeks as painless as possible, assuming his treatment went to plan. 

gus had shown no desire to relapse over the first few days of his treatment, but he still had almost two weeks to go. he had been a trooper so far, hopefully he could keep it up. gus had started to pour his attention back into music, working on his next album. 

"hey aves" he asked her, "yeah?" she asked gus, ready to do anything he needed. "why don't you just move in here fully? you basically already live here. your apartment is just burning money away and i have everything covered for us here. plus it'd be nice to be 'live together' official at this point" gus proposed the idea, ava thought for a second "i'd love to do that, but at least let me pay for something" ava was thrilled to move in officially with gus. "nope, you take care of me and that's enough" gus said, he would refuse to take a cent from her after everything she has done for him now. 

all ava had to do was sell some furniture and move the last of some clothing and random stuff over, so it wouldn't really be that much of a hassle. 


last chapter 4 the day i am goin to bed gn 

chapter question: do u think aliens exist? i think it's impossible for there not to be another life form out there somewhere in some universe considering how big it is and how much of it we haven't even seen/know exists 

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