17 | somewhere with a beach

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"i'm gus, and i'm 6 months sober today" gus said in circle at his meeting. "congratulations gus" the other members of the circle said back. "this is for you" the meeting director said, handing gus a new token. this one said six months on it.

gus arrived home, ava waiting eagerly for him. "let's go somewhere, let's do something. a little road trip " ava suggested. "where?" gus asked, not hesitating to agree. if ava wanted a trip, they would go.  "let's go, somewhere with a beach" ava suggested.  "any particular one in mind?" gus asked. "no" ava told him. "shall we just drive till we find one?" gus asked. "i like that idea" ava said.

"when do you want to leave?" gus asked, "now" ava said. she was in the mood for something spontaneous. "let's pack our bags then" gus said, grabbing his duffel bag. ava stuffed her bag full of random sweatpants, hoodies and bathing suits. it was that kind of trip.

"gas tank is full, i'm ready whenever you are" gus told ava, already packed. ava packed her last items and threw gus' car keys to him, "let's go". they packed their things into the trunk of gus' white bmw z3.

ava got in the passenger seat of the car while gus dropped the roof of the car. gus drove to get on the highway, they planned on driving until they found somewhere they wanted to stop. gus kept a grip on ava's leg while he drove. their hair blowing in the wind as the car accelerated, gus pressed the button to return the cars roof to its regular position.

they had been driving for two hours, laughing, singing and talking. the car ran from the sunset, the sun getting smaller behind them as the orange glow shone through the windows. the light in the car started as a bright yellow, fading to orange, to amber, to purple, to black. the only light now was the momentary flash of oncoming headlights from a passing car.

"this is a good way to celebrate 6 months" gus said, "i thought so to, something different" ava said. "i love you, i wouldn't had made it this far without you" gus said, "and i'll keep being here" ava said.

"next exit" ava said, she saw something with a beach. "as you wish" gus said, changing lanes and letting the car decelerate on the off ramp. gus followed the signs to the beach, it was july and still plenty hot outside overnight.

gus found their way to the beach, it was a small local place. the parking lot was empty, and dimly lit by a few street lights and lamps down the path to the water. there were a few outdoor lamp posts along the edge of the sand on the beach, the water was still brightly lit by the moon.

ava took off her sweater and sweatpants to reveal the white bikini she had underneath. gus grabbed her waist and kissed her. he lifted her and placed her down on the hood of his car, ava wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her. gus held the back of her neck with one hand, supporting himself against the car with the other.

gus piggybacked ava down to the water, putting her down gently in the sand. "you go first" ava said, gus took her invitation and ran into the water to get the cold shock over with. gus' blonde head poked out of the water, "it's nice, cmon" gus said, encouraging her in. ava dipped a foot into the water "it's cold" she said, "no it's not, this was your idea anyways" gus told her. ava slowly inched into the water until she was waist deep, "don't make me pull you the rest of the way in" gus threatened, "i'm working on it" ava said. "taking too long" gus said, picking her up and plopping her back down into the water where he was standing. ava shrieked a little as the cold water hit her skin "i hate you" she said, splashing water at gus. "well you're in and it's fine so who you wanna hate now?" gus asked her, ava rolled her eyes at him.

gus pulled ava into him again, he took a minute to hold her and be thankful for all he had, including her. his life had gone a crazy direction he never expected, making music, turning it into a career, having hundreds of thousands of fans, wanting to settle down with his girlfriend. never did he expect any of that to be an option. "love you" ava said, "love you too" gus told her.

they got out of the water and dried off, putting warmer clothes back on. gus drove them back to a nearby hotel and booked a room for the night, unsure of where they would end up tomorrow.

they showered the lake water off, getting into yet another hotel bed. this time was different though, it wasn't tour, it wasn't gus coming back in the middle of the night high out of his mind. they both fell asleep easily, tired from the long drive.

gus was woken up a few hours later by his phone vibrating in his pocket, he carefully pulled it out of his pocket without disturbing ava, to check whatever or whoever was messaging him 100 times in the middle of the night.

hey man

we just got approval for another tour

management says it's a go

if you can have your album done they want you to headline on it

how close are you? you'd have about 2 months

we'd make it safe for you, no partying and nothing in the bus

you can say no rn or leave at any point if it gets too much

let me get back to u

gus was too tired to have this conversation with smoke right now, he'd have to talk to ava. his album needed a lot of work, he'd have to get started right away if he needed to meet the deadline. this little road trip may have to be cut short.


updates will be slow the next few days!!!

chapter question : what's something you hate doing but have no choice but doing? driving for me, i'm so sick of it and i hate it🙄

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