7 | i love you too, by the way

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today was the day before they left for tour. ava had been packed for days. she was up and ready with breakfast cooking is gus' kitchen while gus, who had just woken up, frantically scrambled to collect his clothes and everything he would need to pack for tour.

"breakfast is ready" ava said, poking her head in the door "go eat, i'll pack your stuff" she said shaking her head at his disorganization. "you keep me sane and i love you" gus told her, he kissed her and went to eat his food. ava was caught off guard, that was the first time gus had told her he loved her. he had disappeared to the kitchen before she could say it back. ava finished all the packing while gus tidied up the kitchen, they had to clean out the fridge and empty all the garbages before they left the apartment vacant for months.

"they're coming to pick us up in a tour bus, isn't that like the coolest thing ever?" gus asked ava, "yeah, it's pretty cool" ava told him, "hey" she said, "yeah?" gus asked. "i love you too, by the way" ava told him, responding to his earlier statement.

gus had never felt this way about a girl before, he just wanted to give her the world and more. "they're outside" gus said, holding up the text from tracy on his phone. "well, you ready?" ava asked "ready as i'll ever be" gus told her. the pair hauled the luggage to the elevator ready to begin whatever craziness would happen next. gus and ava were swarmed by people as they stepped on the bus, everyone was excited and full of graduated and love. wiggy started pouring shots, "wigs, it's only noon" ava pointed out "so?" he said, ava laughed "fuck it" she said and grabbed a glass. "to family and to whatever comes next" wiggy said holding up his glass. "cheers to that brother" gus told him.

"so the first show is tomorrow, were driving to the hotel right now and then back on the bus to the next hotel and that'll basically be what we do every time" gus explained to ava, "okay got it" she said. gus wandered off talking to people, audrey approached ava. "are you excited?" she asked her "very, also a little nervous, and nervous for gus. i hope he'll hold up okay" ava told her. "i feel that, they'll be okay though. especially with us being the new mothers to all of the overgrown man-children on this bus" audrey told her, they both laughed "eh you're absolutely not wrong" ava told audrey.

"ladiesssss, what's the tea" gus said walking over to the girls, after he noticed them talking. "you smell like tequila" ava told him "probably because i drank tequila" gus said. ava shook his head at him "slow down it's hardly the afternoon" ava told him, "so it begins" ava said, looking over at audrey who was laughing. "what begins?" gus asked, "oh nothing" ava told him.

gus wandered off again talking to someone else. "i need to put a tracker on him" ava joked to audrey. "you two are adorable together, by the way" audrey told her. gus seemed to be having tons of fun so far, he was really the life of the party. everybody loved him.

ava chatted with everyone on and off while they drove to the hotel, it was nice to see everyone all together. by sundown everyone had settled a little, ava and gus were together on one of the couches. the glow of the sunset shone through the bus windows giving the entire space an amber glow. the sun's glow giving more depth to gus' eyes, ava liked that about him

gus' head fell onto ava's shoulder as he dozed off, tired from the long day of driving. they would be at the hotel soon. "aw look at the lovebirds" smoke said, walking by them. "shh" ava said, motioning to a sleeping gus.

"babe, wake up. we're here" ava shook gus awake. gus' eyes slowly blinked open "we're here?" he asked ava, "yeah".  "i'll grab our stuff" he told her. she followed him off the bus where he grabbed the suitcases from the cargo storage. it was dark now, ava kept a hand on his arm so she could see where they were going with the minimal light.

gus and ava were sharing a room, it took all of 20 minutes for ava to get ready and get into bed. she was exhausted after just today. gus got in bed with her a few minutes later. thinking she was out cold he started thinking out loud to her, "you're so much more than gorgeous, so much more than perfect. right now i know that i'm not really worth it, if you give me time i could work on it. give me some time while i work on it".

"you are worth it" she mumbled sleepily. "i thought you were sleeping" gus said, "almost" ava said, barely audible. ava slept easily, but gus had a hard time settling in the foreign hotel bed that had blankets tucked in way too tight to ever be comfortable.

he carefully got out of bed, not waking ava. he sat by himself on the dark balcony, overlooking the city view. he lit a cigarette, trying to relax a little. maybe this tour thing wouldn't be as good for him as he thought. as long as he had ava by his side, he would keep pushing through. she made his life worth it and he needed to take care of her and love her for that.

gus blew out the smoke into the cold nighttime air, it disappeared from the air quickly with no light. he told ava he loved her out loud for the first time today, and she said it back. that kept him going all day. "i love you aves, my soulmate, my world forever" he spoke out into the empty space around him.


last update for today, hopefully will have another 1-2 chapters up tomorrow. trying to be as generous as possible lol

chapter question : what's something everyone seems to love but you hate? 

i hate avocados 🤮🤮🤮

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