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ava stirred in the bed, gus wasn't looking forward to this morning. he had decided he wanted to finish the album and try tour again. he knew it could be a good experience if he did it differently. ava would stay this time around. "good morning" gus told her as she started to wake up, "morning" she said. "what are we doing today?" ava asked, excited for the day's adventure. 

gus took a breath, "babe, smoke texted me last night and something came up" he told her, "is everything okay?" ava asked, unsure of where this was going. "yeah, it's good news actually" gus told her, "if i can get my album done in the next month and a bit, they want me to headline for the next tour" gus told her. "next tour?" ava asked, she hadn't heard anything about a tour. "yeah, that is part of it. they want us to do another and it's ready to be set up, they just gotta know if i'm on board. the only thing is i'd have to go home as soon as possible to get going in this thing if i want it done in time" gus explained. "so we'd leave now?" ava asked. "yeah, i mean we can totally stay if you want. this is just another really huge opportunity for me and i want to do it right this time." gus hoped she was okay with leaving. 

ava sighed, she was looking forward to this little trip.  "we can go, it's fine, i understand. i'm happy for you. are you sure tour is a good idea right now? you feel okay about it? you think you can handle it again?" ava started spitting a million questions, worrying about a repeat of last time. "yeah, it'll be fine. we're gonna make it safe for me" gus said, explaining what smoke had told him. 

"well, at least we had one night away." ava said, starting to repack her things and change into an outfit for the drive back which was just a pair of lavender leggings and a cropped white tshirt. she was disappointed, but what else could she expect dating a successful musician? 

"i'm sorry babe" gus apologized, "don't be" ava told him. ava would be happy to see the guys and audrey again. she fell out of touch with most of them after she left tour besides tracy and smoke, who she hadn't talked much to since gus started rehab. gus touring again was extremely worrying to her, she wasn't sure if he was ready and strong enough to go back and do the thing that spiraled him to rock bottom.  he would be surrounded by opportunities to blow half a year's progress in just a few seconds. 

she didn't want to hold him back or make him think he isn't capable of doing things again, she just didn't want to see him suffering and struggling again. 

i'm in this band now, gbc


i'm coming on tour!!!!!

omw home to finish the album


fuck yeah, let's finish this thing

adam, wiggy and 2 others liked "i'm coming on tour!!!!!"


ava too?


better be, right aves?


i am


good it wasn't the same after u left last time


yeah we all love u too much u gotta stay


gus i am sitting right beside u, u don't have to text it to me


oh well

lil peep staying sober on this one, 6 months clean


proud of u man


u got this, great work


great news, congrats


we'll make sure it stays that way buddy


thank u guys for taking care of him


leaving wherever the fuck we are rn, see u all in a few hours

gus had big plans for this tour, that we're bigger than music. probably one of the biggest events of his life, and most important. he was gonna make it happen by the end of this tour. 

"who are you texting so much?" gus asked, noticing ava glued to her phone the last little bit of the drive. "audrey, we're catching up." she said. "that's good, i'm sure she misses you and not being the only girl stuck with us" gus laughed. 

"i remember you asking to move somewhere bigger, what do you think about finding a place after tour. we can stick it out at our current place for another month or so yeah?" gus asked, randomly remembering the conversation. "sounds like a plan to me" ava said, that was totally reasonable. 

ava liked driving with gus, they could laugh and sing and have fun but also just chill. she liked watching gus get really focused on the road because he always poked the end of his tongue out when he was concentrating and she thought it was adorable. 

when they got home gus wasted no time calling smoke over and getting started on the rest of the album, ava unpacked their stuff from their short lived adventure. "hey, we're out of paper towel in the kitchen. i'm gonna go grab some while you guys are busy with that" ava said, "sure, be safe. love you" gus told her. "bye, love you" ava said, walking out the door. 

gus took this opportunity of her being gone to talk to smoke about something he had been planning, "you just gotta be able to keep her busy for a few hours, or get audrey or someone. then everything else i'll handle and it'll be perfect i think" gus said, "i can do that" smoke said, loving gus' plan. it was perfect. ava would have no idea. 

gus had had a rough copy of each song written, he worked on tweaking lyrics and changing stuff he didn't like anymore while smoke played around with some beats. the album would come together eventually, he wanted to have it done by the end of the month so he had a few weeks to plan, pack and get ready before they left for tour again. 


sorry this is kinda filler 

chapter question: are u a morning or night person? i'm neither tbh i wake up at like 09:00 if i dont work but go to bed at 22:30 like an old lady

vacancy screams from my bedroom door | lil peepWhere stories live. Discover now