5 | i can make your dreams come true

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ava and gus had been hanging out together for a 2 months now. they acted as more than friends, but he hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend yet. gus still came with her to the pond every sunday, and he still came and got a coffee from her each shift. ava was much more comfortable around gus and his friends now and often attended recording sessions with them, if gus cared about her so did they. they all either made music, produced music, filmed for the videos or had omething to do with music as a whole. ava and audrey had become the best of friends, if she wasn't with gus she was with her. 

ava was currently comfortable in gus' bed, dressed in his hoodie and sweatpants. she watched him carefully focus on whatever he was doing to a recorded song on his laptop, she hadn't quite figured out all the steps yet. "you mind if smoke comes over? i think i need his touch on this one" gus asked, "that's fine" ava told him. "i can go grab us some lunch while you wait for him to get here?" ava offered, "that would be excellent" gus told her. "okay i'll get ready quick and go" ava said getting out of bed and heading towards the bathroom. she tossed her hair in a bun and tidied up her appearance a little. she left gus' sweats on and rolled the waistband up, pairing them with a plain white tube top. "i'll be back soon" she told him, placing a quick kiss on his lips before she left.


shit forgot to ask u if smoke wants anything 


prolly, just get him whatever ur doing him a favour already


lol okay

ava walked into a nearby panera bread to get them some lunch. she ordered them 3 bacon and turkey sandwiches and 3 passion green iced teas. she paid for the food and headed back to gus' apartment. she walked carefully up the stairs trying not to trip,  with hands full of takeout bags and drink trays. she hit the door a few times with her foot, "my hands are full, come get your shit" she called into the boys. "coming" she heard smoke say from inside. "you're a fucking godsend, i'm starving. thank you" smoke told her, taking the bag so she had a free hand. ava put straws in cups and handed the drinks out. the boys had already finished their food before she barely had a chance to get it out of the package, "you two eat like wild animals" she told them, they both just shrugged. she shook her head. 

ava got up to throw out the trash while the guys finished up the song. when ava approached the room again she heard an abnormally quiet chatter, these two were always crazy together. "she your girl yet?" she heard smoke ask, "well she is, not technically, i haven't asked her, but she will be" gus replied. "do you love her?" smoke asked gus, "i think so" he said. gus' words brought her immediate joy, she'd been waiting forever for him to properly ask her to be his girlfriend. it also made her a little nervous for the future, how would it change things?

"aves we just made a hit! come listen" gus called to her, thinking she was still in the kitchen. she waited a few seconds before entering the room again, so they didn't suspect she had heard the conversation. "lemme hear" she told them. "tracy's on this one too" gus said "cool" ava said, she liked tracy too. a song they called 'the song they played' popped up on the laptop, ava listened through the whole thing. one line stuck out to her, "this is the girl i told that we could have it all". one time gus told her that when he made it big she could leave her silly coffee job, he'd take care of her and they could have it all. "i love it, you never disappoint" ava told him. gus smiled at her approval. "thanks babe" he told her. 

  "aight i'm gonna head out" smoke said, "call me when you wanna make another". "see ya bro" gus told him. ava waved bye as well. "oh thanks for the food again ava, appreciate it" smoke told her, "no problem" she said. "we're working on another album right now, i think it's gonna be the one, it'll change everything for us" gus told her, "i'm excited for you, i'm proud of you" ava told him. "that's all i need" he said, tackling her in a hug onto the bed. "aves?" gus asked, "what's up?" she asked. "i want you to start this next chapter of my life with me, our chapter, i wanna do big things with you by my side. will you be my girlfriend?" gus asked hopefully, he looked at her like a lost puppy waiting for some form of a reaction and answer. 

ava's face lit up, she grabbed his tattooed hand "yes, i'd love to be" she said bouncing a little with excitement and happiness on the messy bed. gus pulled her onto his lap and kissed her the most passionately he ever had, holding the side of her face with his hand. gus pulled away from her, leaning their foreheads together "i just wanna see you smile, i just wanna make you mine" gus started singing his song big city blues to her. she rested her head on his shoulder, looking lovingly up at him. gus had a beautiful voice, she loved when he sang. it was one of most favourite things in the world. 

"we can spend time, smoke away the time, we can go anywhere you ever wanted, anything you've ever dreamed, i can make your dreams come true..."

ava was falling harder for him every second they spent together, she could get used to the parties, drugs and crazy life style as long as it was a life with gus. that's all that matters. 


i've worked 16 hours in 2 days and i work 40 hours next week and this is all DURING A SALE my soul is literally leaving my body the light inside me is dying 

qotc: what's ur favourite subject in school, mine is chemistry. im the queen of nerdy nerds. the absolute nerdiest out there. hmu for math hw help 

@Gothic_Ravenclaw , this one for u, thanks for all the love on this story <3

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