20 | go shawty, it's your birthday

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today was ava's birthday, she didn't expect much of anything to happen considering the tour was the obvious priority. gus woke up at 5, while it was still pretty dark outside and ava was fast asleep. he carefully climbed out of bed, making sure she didn't wake up. gus had packed a few birthday decorations for the hotel room, just some streamers and balloons. he carefully and quietly started taking them out of the package, trying his best to hang the streamers around the room even though they looked a little bad. it's the thought that counts, right?

he blew up the balloons as well, scattering them on the ground and taping a few to the headboard of the bed. he got back in bed and went back to sleep, he just wanted to do it early so ava would be surprised when she woke up. he wanted her twenty first birthday to be super special, she deserved to be celebrated. he had wrapped her gifts in some birthday bags after she fell asleep last night too.

gus didn't really get back to sleep, he was too excited for ava to wake up. a couple hours later she slowly started to get up while the rising sun glared in through the glass door. "good morning birthday girl" gus told her "thank you" she mumbled, still trying to wake herself up. she blinked a few times as she sat up, noticing the balloons and streamers spread across the room "oh my god, gus did you decorate?" she asked, surprised he did anything. "yes i did" he smiled, proud of himself. "you're too sweet, i love you" ava told him "i love you too, but there's plenty more birthday activities waiting for you so let's get going" he said.

ava got out of bed and got ready and got dressed. she felt super spoiled, considering she expected nothing. she thought gus' decorations were super cute and it made her feel special. "wow, look at you. very beautiful" gus said, as ava showed him her birthday outfit. she had picked out a simple but pretty champagne coloured mini dress that was rouched satin and had a lace up cinch back, with simple silver jewelry. "wanna open your gifts?" gus asked, "gustav stop it you didn't have to get me anything" ava said, gus rolled his eyes. "of course i did, you deserve anything you could ever want" he said, handing her the first bag.

ava had opened all the bags, gus got her a matching hoodie to one of his. it was hand embroidered with 'hellgirl' instead of 'hellboy', he also got her a pair of white louboutin 'kate' heels that he knew she'd been eyeing up for months, a couple of sparkly pandora rings that would match with some of her current ones and a photo album of almost every photo they had taken together in the past months of their relationship with a little note written underneath each one. the photo album was her favourite, it held so many memories and so much love. "thank you so much, but gus this is way too much you didn't have to get me any of this. i feel bad" ava said, not expecting so many gifts. "shh, you deserve it. just let me spoil you on your birthday at least" gus said, not letting her act like she wasn't worth it.

gus took her just down the road to a restaurant for breakfast, he had never been but the google reviews seemed fine so he chose it. they both ordered waffles to eat, they seemed like an appropriate birthday breakfast. "let me tell the waiters it's your birthday, maybe they'll sing us a song or something cool" gus said, trying to convince ava. "not a chance in the world i let you do that" ava said, she hated when they did that in restaurants with a burning passion. gus didn't end up doing it, knowing it would probably land him in shit.

"thank you so much for the birthday morning, it was perfect" ava said, gus had really gone over the top for her. "you're welcome babe, but there's still more later" he told her. "no way" ava said, he didn't need to do anything else, "yes way" he said.

gus went out on stage like usual, he gestured to smoke to turn the beat off so he could talk. gus waved ava over to come on stage, she shook her head knowing there's no way she's going out in front of all those people. gus walked over to her and gently grabbed her arm and pulled her out there with him, fans clapping in the audience. "hey everyone, some of you may know her but this is ava. she's my beautiful and amazing girlfriend and i love her, today is also her birthday so i thought we could all sing to her, how's that sound?" he asked the crowd. everyone just clapped in response. gus started to sing "happy birthday to you..." the audience picked up and soon enough gus and the venue of fans were all singing happy birthday to her. ava stood there smiling, but also a little awkward and not knowing what to do. "thank you guys, you're awesome" she said into gus' mic when they were done. they all cheered and yelled happy birthday while gus helped her back offstage and he continued with the rest of his set.

everyone had a cheeky grin on their face when she returned backstage, "did you know he was gonna do that?" she asked, wiggy and tracy giggled a little "oh you totally did" she rolled her eyes. "happy birthday though, we love ya" tracy told her.

ava stayed and chatted with everyone, snacking on all the backstage food until gus was done. ava was met as usual with a sweaty gus hug when he was done, "happy birthday babe, do you wanna go get dinner or something?" he asked, "i'm okay right now, i'm full from snacks and you need to shower" ava told him.

gus and ava hung around a little longer than normal, everyone wanted to talk to her tonight. "thank you guys so much for all the love, i appreciate it, we're heading back to the hotel now" ava said, waving bye to everyone.

ava ended the night in bed in gus' arms, which was the perfect end to a perfect birthday. "thank you for everything today, you didn't have to do anything" and told him. "yes i did, stop it. i love you" gus told her, sick of her saying he didn't have to do anything.

"goodnight angel" gus told her, rubbing circles on her back until she fell asleep. gus was happy he was able to make the day special for her. she did everything he could ever need for him, so it was the least he could do. if they weren't on tour he would have made the day even more extravagant.


i'll prolly start wrapping this up in a few chapters

chapter question: do u care about style/fashion? i don't at all i literally wear sweats everywhere

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