22 | till death do them part

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it was the last show of the tour tonight, everybody was exhausted and worn out but still excited for tonight. they had made it, the end of come over when you're sober. gus was gonna make the last show his biggest yet.

"hey aves, you wanna go shopping and exploring today? maybe get our nails done? we haven't had a girls day in a while" audrey asked, "well i don't know if gus needs me here..." ava started but gus cut her off "no it's okay, go have fun. i'm all good here" gus encouraged her to go with audrey. "alright then, i guess we can" ava said.

ava and audrey found a local salon to get their nails done. audrey ended up with dark purple nails and ava got clear acrylic that had light pink glitter mixed into it. "those are super cute" audrey said, complimenting her new manicure.

the girls got coffee and lunch and a small local coffee shop, much like the one ava used to work at when she first met gus. "i make a way better pour over" ava said, sipping her coffee. audrey laughed at her ex-barista comment.

"do you wanna go get some like final shoe outfits?" audrey asked, she knew ava would want to look good for what happened tonight. "sure, sounds fun" ava said. the two wandered around local stores and malls until they both found outfits they deemed adequate. audrey picked out a simple oversized black denim jacket and a rusty coloured tight dress, she knew this shopping trip wasn't really about her. ava ended up getting a white leather skirt that zipped up the front and a burgundy lace, v-neck bodysuit that she'd wear with the shoes gus got her for her birthday.

"that's perfect" audrey said, "perfect for what?" ava asked, confused. audrey caught herself, "oh nothing, you just look great in it. fits you perfect" she tried to cover her slip up. "oh thanks, it's a little different but i like it" ava said, not thinking about audreys comment again.

audrey and ava arrived back in their new clothes with their new nails, trying to find gus and adam. "wow, you look gorgeous" gus said, admiring ava's new outfit. "let me see the nails too" gus asked her, ava held out her hand for gus too see. "very nice, i like the pink" he said.

"hey dave, can i go last tonight?" gus asked some crew member, who was apparently named dave and in charge of that. "you sure?" dave asked. "yeah, thanks" gus said, getting his set time changed. "you wanna go last?" ava asked gus, as he usally tried to avoid it. "yeah, thought i'd let the other guys get some extra stage time" he said "okay then" ava said. why was everyone acting kind of strange today? she thought.

gus was acting oddly nervous before his performance, he'd done it 100 times by now so he shouldn't be that nervous? ava thought. gus' head was rushing and his heart was pounding so past he thought he may pass out. he kept wiping the sweat off his palms on his pants and nervously picking at his nails and lips. "gus, babe are you okay?" ava asked, she hadn't seen him this worked up over a show in a very long time. "yeah i'm fine, just wanna make this last show perfect" he said. ava didn't quite buy it, she was starting to sense that something was up.

"what's wrong with gus?, he's acting super strangely. not like himself at all" ava asked tracy and smoke. they both gave each other a look, "nothing, i think he just wants to do a really good job for the last show" smoke backed up gus' story. "mhm" ava said, they all must know what's actually going on. those fuckers.

"good luck" ava said, kissing gus before he went on stage. gus sang 2 songs as he usually would, then he asked smoke to stop the music. it wasn't her birthday? what was he doing now? gus looked shyly at her "ava, can you come out here?" he asked through the mic. 'what?' ava mouthed to him "just come here" he told her.

ava hesitantly walked out onto stage, careful not to trip over anything in her heels. "what is this?" she asked gus. gus looked back and forth between the crowd, her and smoke. "as everyone knows it's the last show and i wanted to make it special, so i thought i'd do something i've been wanting to do since the day i met you" gus told ava. the whole room went silent.

"ava bridger" gus said, ava looked at him waiting for him to continue. "will you make me the happiest guy on the planet" gus said and dropped to one knee "and marry me?" he asked, opening the ring box. ava covered her mouth in shock, this was the last thing she expected. "yes, yes 1000 times" ava said, tears coming to her eyes. various 'awws', cheers and clapping came from the fans in the crowd. gus slipped the ring onto her finger, it was a simple silver band with a few small diamonds embedded in the band and a large princess cut diamond in the middle. gus stood up and tipped her chin up, kissing her. he picked her up and spun her around, his whole life was complete now that she said yes. "i love you ava" he said, "i love you too gustav" she said.

gus and ava walked off the stage, everybody including the crew clapped as they walked into the room. "congratulations" everyone yelled to them. audrey, tracy, smoke, adam, wiggy, chris and everyone else came and hugged and congratulated ava and gus on their engagement. "you're gonna make a beautiful bride, he sure loves you" audrey told her "i know he does, i love him too" ava said.  "congrats bro" smoke told gus "and congrats ava, you sure landed one hell of a guy" he said, looking at gus.

life couldn't get any better, after all of the ups and downs of their relationship they finally would be together forever. happy and healthy, till death do them part. ava and gus had never smiled wider than they did that night. gus always told ava he would give her everything, but this is all she needed. to be with him forever.


one more chapter guys !!!

chapter question ; what's ur fav ice cream flavour ? mine is cookie dough

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