16 | six week token

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gus' six weeks were up, ava got to bring him home today. she was eager to see his progress and hoped to see him looking healthier.

ava talked to the receptionist at the desk, "i'm here to pick up gus åhr" she told her, "alright, he'll be right out" she told her. the receptionist directed ava to the waiting area.

a few moments later gus appeared in the doorway, "i did it! look what i have now!" gus said excitedly, holding up a '6 weeks clean' token. ava clung to him instantly. "i'm so proud of you" she mumbled into his chest. gus looked amazing, he had gained a little weight, his face looked less sunken in, his skin had a healthy glow and his eyes were brighter. he had more natural energy coming from him. "how do you feel?" ava asked, "amazing. i feel healthy and confident and proud of myself" gus told her.

gus had changed for the better, he was still himself. of course ava thought he was perfect no matter what, but he was thinking clearer, he was happier and more energetic but still the same lovable, compassionate, selfless person he always was.

"thank you for the necklace, i love it" ava told him, "i know, i got your texts this morning" gus smiled and giggled a little, proud of his gift. "you're welcome, you deserved it. i wouldn't be here without you" gus told her. it was true, without ava he would most likely would have ended up dead by now.

"i'll buy us lunch, what do you want?" ava asked, she wanted his first day or normal sober life to be special. "can we get sushi?" gus asked "totally" ava told him.

gus and ava arrived at the restaurant, "for two" they told the hostess. she led them to their table, it was a booth by a bright window. the sun shining on ava reminded gus of that first day they had met, watching her at the pond. the sun shining on her and making her glow in the gentle breeze. "you look beautiful" gus told ava, she still blushed every time he told her that.

they happily ate their lunch, enjoying their first date together with gus being clean. "while i was in there i got so many lyrics written, i think i'll have the album done with a little help from smoke" gus told ava. "that's amazing, i can't wait to hear them" she told him. she loved gus' music, every song he made was incredible.

ava took gus back to their apartment, "wow, so clean in here" he observed "that's what happens when you're not here" ava joked, "shut up, you love me" gus said. "i do, even if you never end up successfully getting your clothes in the hamper" ava laughed. "shh" gus said, knowing he was guilty.

" so what kind of things do you wanna do, now that you're out?" ava asked, maybe he had picked up some new hobbies. "i learned i like to paint, and draw. music of course." gus told her, "that's awesome, we can get you some art stuff to have here" ava said, making a note on her to do list.

"do you think i could see my friends again? i miss them, how's smoke? tracy? everyone?" gus asked. "if you think it wouldn't be triggering i think it'd be great, i'm sure they could arrange a sober hang out. everybody's good, they've all been thinking about you" ava told him.

"can i sing you my new songs? they aren't recorded and have no production but i really wanna show you" gus said, "of course" ava said, gus singing to her was like her favourite thing in the world.

ava laid across gus' lap while he sang 7 new songs to her, reading off of his lyrics written on random scrap papers in multiple different colours of ink. "i think everyone's gonna love them, i love them" ava told gus, he'd done an incredible job. ava's approval was the most important, if she loved it he knew it would be a hit.

ava enjoyed the rest of her day with a happy and sober gus, it was a very regular day but it was special because it was gus' first day back in the world staying away from drugs on his own will and it was a big deal.

"we should get a bigger bed" ava commented, after accidentally kicking gus in the shin trying to get comfy in bed. it was a double bed, which wasn't a lot of space for two restless sleepers. "whatever you want babe, it's yours" gus told her. ava fell asleep faster than usual, as she was finally able to be back in gus' arms.

it had only been a day, but gus knew this is the life he wanted. a normal, sober life with ava. well, maybe his own normal considering a career in music didn't really allow for the average life. he knew he wanted to propose, he just didn't know when or how to make it happen. he needed it to be special and perfect, just like she was.

gus started to fall asleep about half an hour after ava, he held her all night and didn't let her go. they'd been apart enough over the last few months, he never wanted to be apart from her again. he'd never disappoint or hurt her like that ever again.

so i lied this is the last chapter today lol

chapter question: what's ur sign? i'm a leo

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