4 | i like to party bitch, come to the pad

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ava and gus laid in his bed, gus had fallen asleep and slouched onto her lap. ava ran her fingers gently through his hair, careful not to disturb gus' peaceful slumber. his chest rose and fell slowly while he slept. ava could tell gus tried to tidy, but he didn't do a very good job. there was piles of clothes in corners of the room, lighters, pill bottles and cigarettes scattered on the dresser, and t-shirts thrown over bongs but she couldn't tell if he was trying to hide them or they genuinely just got tossed there. 

ava was disturbed by multiple loud knocks at the door, gus didn't even flinch. she shook his shoulder lightly, his eyes barely opened "someone is here" she told him, a few more loud knocks brought gus back to consciousness. "ah shit" he mumbled, "i forgot i invited friends over tonight, how long was i asleep for?" he asked "only about an hour" she told him. "you can stay if you want, these guys are basically family" gus told her, hopping out of bed to get the door. "oh, sure" she agreed, she hesitantly followed gus to the door unsure of what to do. 

a pile of guys and one girl piled into the room. "what took you so long bro?" one of them asked, then noticing me. "ohhh" he said. "no, no not what you think" gus told him "this is my uh...friend, ava" he hesitated. i smiled at the group of people "this is tracy" gus pointed to the guy he was talking to, "adam, and his girlfriend audrey" he pointed to another guy, and the only other girl in the room, "wiggy, smoke, and chris" he introduced the rest of his friends . i smiled and waved, a little intimidated by the large group of people. 

gus wandered off somewhere to turn music on, i sat down in the empty spot next to audrey. "i like your dress, it's pretty" she told me, "oh, thank you" i told her, feeling a little more comfortable. multiple lighters flicked and the smell of burning weed filled the room. ava didn't smoke, or do any drugs, only drinking on special occasions. gus returned, squeezing in next to ava and the end of the couch. he slung his arm around her and leaned back into the couch, holding a joint out in the other hand. "want a hit?" he offered, "no thank you" ava declined. gus nodded, being careful to blow the smoke away from her face 

ava sat quietly, occasionally engaging in a quick conversation mainly with gus and audrey. ava though audrey was very nice, maybe they could be friends. as the evening progressed the table filled with solo cups, pill bottles and little white lines with credit cards next to them. this definitely was not ava's scene, but it seemed to be gus'. ava had a few good laughs at gus goofing off with his friends, singing and dancing and other stupid things. gus made sure to keep conversation with ava and keep an arm around her when possible, he didn't want her to feel left out or uncomfortable. 

gus noticed ava spending more and more time quietly pushing herself to the corner of the couch, disengaging from most of what was happening. "are you uncomfortable? not having fun?" he asked her "not really, sort of, actually i'm fine" she replied, not wanting to offend him. "no, no it's fine i'll take you home right now. no worries" he told her. ava was relieved by how easy going gus was. "ima take ava home guys, i'll be back in a bit" he yelled to them, helping her up from the couch. a variety of "bye", "nice to meet you" and "see you laters" were yelled over the music to her. "bye everyone, nice to meet you" she told them all, waving bye. 

"where am i taking ya?" gus asked, "231 north street" ava told him. it was about a 20 minute walk. "you're just gonna leave a bunch of people alone in your apartment?" she questioned. "yeah, like i said, basically family" gus trusted those guys with his life. "here" gus handed ava back the same jacket that she had had on earlier, it had gotten even colder since the sun went down. "was that too much? i understand if it's not your thing, you don't have to see me again" gus was concerned by how quiet she was. "it's okay, just never really been exposed to much like that" she explained, she still liked gus and wanted to see him. just not partake in some of his hobbies. "you don't hate me now?" he asked, "not at all. your friends are really nice too. i like audrey, she's nice" ava told him. "that's good, i thought you two might get along" gus said, relieved.

gus and ava arrived back at her apartment. "i can take you inside if you want" gus offered, "if you don't mind" ava said, she didn't like being alone at night. gus escorted her to her door, "i'll let you get back to your friends" ava said, not wanting to keep him from his little gathering. "you sure you're alright?" he double checked. "yeah, thanks for the walk back. we can hang out again soon i hope?" she asked, "definitely" gus said. ava opened her door and they both stepped just inside the doorway. "well goodnight" gus told her, "goodnight, text me when you're home safe" ava told him. "i will" he promised. 

before he left he pulled her in for a hug. she held onto him tightly, burying her face in his neck. they pulled away from each other, mutually catching each other's gaze. ava kissed gus first this time, leaning into him. gus placed both hands on her waist pulling her closer. they pulled away from each other, gus stepped back "night babe" he told her. "babe?" she asked, gus just winked as he went out the door. 

ava showered and got into bed, waiting until she knew gus was hime safe. he texted her about 25 minutes later. 


home safe and in one piece!


good news, goodnight <3 



ava was able to fall asleep now, knowing gus was home. he was much different than her, but maybe something new and different would be good for her. 


its coming along guys, i'm really excited for this one!! i promise no one will die this time. 

qotc! what's your strange guilty pleasure song? mine is literally no hands by waka flocka flame. i listen to it like 10 times a day instead of therapy. i listened to it the whole time i wrote this chapter. the "girl the way u moving got me in a trance dj turn me up ladies this yo jam" rlly hit different 

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